
Red, White, and Blue Sitting Area

Red, White & Blue Sitting Area in a Log Home | Creative Cain CabinIv’e recovered from the graduation party and have everything back in order again. I’m happy to say my white slipcovers came through the ordeal without a stain or ice cream spill. When I swapped them over before the party I thought to myself….this may be a big mistake, but I did it anyway. The white always looks so clean and fresh and it fit the party color theme.

Red, White & Blue Sitting Area in a Log Home | Creative Cain CabinMy home probably looks like the 4th of July a big portion of the time. Red, white, and blue are staple colors in the cabin. I can’t believe we have been in this house for 6 years already and the slipcovered furniture from JCPenney’s still looks like the day I purchased it. That has been a very good investment, normally I would purchase new furniture every 3 years just because I got tired of what we had. Well whoever invented slipcovered furniture was brilliant. When I tire of the color now, I just put on a different slip…..problem solved.

Red, White & Blue Sitting Area in a Log Home | Creative Cain CabinI do wish they would make a true red slip. I have the henna and it’s great for fall but it’s not red it’s more of a burnt orange color. Maybe this winter if I get ambitious enough I will make a red denim set myself (don’t anyone hold your breath on that one). 

Red, White & Blue Sitting Area in a Log Home | Creative Cain CabinNow on to the purpose of this post:     Everyone have a safe and happy 4th. Enjoy family time, BBQ’s, and fireworks, and don’t forget to be thankful for our independence ๐Ÿ™‚



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  1. Vicki Daugherty says:

    Dawn, as a new reader, I’m enjoying your cabin. Of course, it helps that my favorite colors are the same as yours! And slipcovers are a Godsend. I do have a true red on our den sofa and a red/white gingham on the chair, but I had those made by a local lady. And believe me, when they wear out, I will replace them! So many versatile changes with slipcovers. I do not have them in our more formal living room, but if I found fabric that would work there, I’d have them there too. Have a great 4th! Vicki in Louisville KY

    1. Vicki, I would love a gingham slip. I wish I had someone around here that could make them for me. I know I can do it I just need to put my mind to it. You have a wonderful day today ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Happy 4th to you too, Dawn! Thank you for all of your wonderful inspiration! Oh and how much do I love that adorable rooster pillow ๐Ÿ™‚
    xoxo, Andrea

    1. Andrea, I love that rooster fabric too. I purchased 2 yards and when I went back to get more it was gone and I have never found it again.

  3. Red slips would be right up your alley! Enjoy the day with your family…happy 4th!

    1. Thanks Ann I hope you had a wonderful day ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Good morning Dawn and Happy 4th. I love your red, white and blue in your sweet cabin. So pretty for today’s holiday. Did you think about dying a white slipcover set instead of sewing and buying new fabric. I think the white slipcovers would be an easy dye. There is all kinds of instructions on how to dye a slipcover easily on pinterest. Gotta love pinterest! Happy 4th.

    1. Kris, I did try to dye the henna ones with red and didn’t notice any difference. The slips are so expensive I would hate to ruin a set. When Im ready to replace my white set I should try dying them. Great idea girl.

  5. Happy 4th, Dawn!
    Your home looks bright and cheerful-it always does!
    Sewing a slipcover? Wow, that would be an undertaking.

    1. Kim yes it would be but I know I could do it. I just have to be in the mood to do it.

  6. nan, odessa, DE says:

    OK, readers where are the red slips???????????????

    Dawn, you have such a following, we have to have someone reading that has this answer!
    Happy 4th to you and yours!!!

    1. Nan I sure hope someone has the answer. LOL

  7. I am glad I went with white although they show the dirt. I just have to wash the slipcovers more frequently.

    Last week Steve dozed off on the sofa with a glass of red wine in his hand. It took 4 washings with OxyClean, but the cushion is sparkling white once again.

    1. Carol, I wish mine were easier to get on. They fit so tightly I dread washing them. My hands hurt for days after tugging and struggling to get them on. I even put them on wet straight out of the washer so they have a little give. I can’t believe you got the wine out, good for you, it would be horrible to have such a stain.

  8. Happy 4th to you, Dawn! New furniture every 3 years – heheh, A young friend was helping me with furniture arrangement ideas and asked how many years I’d had our couch and love seat. I thinks she was shocked when I said, “Since 1989”! That’s the trouble with really good quality that doesn’t wear out. I need to check out slipcovers, I think.

    1. Barbara yes I used to get tired of it easily. My friends were always lined up to take my old, I would say the first one here get it. LOL

  9. Everything you do is always so pretty in your cabin! Red slipcovers for Christmas would be awesome! I can just see the pillows that you could use! Hope today has been a good one for you!

  10. Mamahen13 says:

    IKEA has furniture that looks a lot like urs, & they have true red covers.

    1. I think I measured there furniture and it is much smaller than mine ๐Ÿ™ Darn it!

  11. Hope you and your family enjoyed your 4th of July celebrations. I love the idea of covers for furniture. We need new chairs for the living room and I will have to look around and see what I can find with covers … I see someone mentioned Ikea, so will check there.

    1. Linda, yes Ikea has them. There’s are to small for my furniture or I would have snatched them up by now.

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