Want To See My Alien Eye?

Baseball to the Eye | Creative Cain CabinI new you couldn’t resist that title…..After a blow to the face this summer during a baseball game, I now have what I refer to as an ALIEN EYE.  I normally spend my time up against the fence taking action shots at games but for some reason I decided to sit on the bleachers for a minute and talk to a friend. Well that’s when it hit me, a foul ball came off the bat, up over the backstop and hit me directly in the eye. Of course I was turned talking so I didn’t see it coming. I thought for sure it had knocked my eye out. It immediately went numb and I felt a little queasy for a moment but I’m tough so I shook it off. Luckily there was a paramedic there watching her nephew and our teams pitchers father is an optometrist, so I got immediate care. Bill the optometrist put some drops in my eye and said I needed to come to his office just to make sure I didn’t have a detached retina. Well I’m one of those people that say, “I’ll be fine”.

Once I got home I noticed my eye was bleeding. The ball had cut me right under my lower lashes and that was actually the most painful part. I put ice on it for about 3 hours before I went to bed expecting it to look much worse in the morning. It never really looked to bad until the ALIEN EYE developed. 

EyesI now have one very large pupil in my left eye (right side in the photo). Apparently this happens to about 20% of people after taking a had blow to the eye. After I noticed that I made an appointment with the optometrist. By now it had been about 10 days and I had very blurry vision, the only way I could describe what I was seeing was to say it felt like I had my eye open under water all the time. The optometrist spent about 2 hours looking into my eye, running tests, and calling a surgeon in to look at me. Apparently the blurry vision was caused by my eyeball itself being swollen and after about a month the swelling went down and my vision cleared up. The strangest thing, the vision in the ALIEN EYE is perfect now and my other eye now needs glasses. The whole thing has been very strange to say the least. So I now need glasses for far away, and I will have one large pupil for the rest of my life.

By the way….I added that silly hat to the photo of me in my new glasses….I was having a bad hair day and needed to disguise it. LOL My cuter than ever glasses are Kate Spade if you’re interested. This is the way of my life….if it’s strange it always happens to me. So I now have an ALIEN EYE.



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    1. Linda Yes it could have been. I was afraid I would have blurry vision forever.

  1. So sorry that happened to you, Dawn, but I’m glad you’re okay. Your glasses are adorable not to mention that you have beautiful eyes. We’ll be at a softball tournament all weekend so I’ll definitely be watching those foul balls! : )

    1. JoAnne, yes watch the ball at all time. Wouldn’t want this to happen to you ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Oh my, that sounds very painful but good to hear you’re all better now. It is strange how your other eye reacted and now need glasses. Well, you do look cute with them on and by the way, you have have beautiful eyes!! ๐Ÿ™‚ -Bev

    1. Bev, thank you for the kind comment. Im not sure how many people notice the big pupil but I am a little self conscious about it.

  3. OMG Dawn!!!! You have the worse luck with injuries this year. That is so strange too about how the eye is reacting to being knock into with a baseball !!!! Love your new glasses they are super cute.

    1. Kris, I know I am an accident waiting to happen. LOL My knees are just now working right.

  4. Kathleen G says:

    I’m glad you didn’t lose your eyesight. You do have beautiful eyes and brows. Kathleen in Az

    1. Kathleen, I am thankful too. That would be horrible.

  5. Hi Dawndie! Oh, my goodness! I go away for awhile and come back and find out you were injured. I’m so sorry this happened to you – pretty scary! That’s amazing that it changed your vision and for the better. You do look cute in your new glasses! You take care of yourself.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Shelia, I know I am a mess. LOL But fortunate I can see.

  6. Goodness! I’ve never heard of any of this happening before and agree with others in saying I am so glad it wasn’t worse!

    1. Barbara me either until I woke up with a big pupil and had to google it.

  7. Oh, Dawndie! I’m back to say I’ve read read your post where your darling kitchen was featured in the magazine! Congratulations! What an honor and they couldn’t have picked a more wonderful kitchen and your photography is always stunning! Man, I know a Dawndie who’s famous!
    Continue being a sweetie,
    Shelia ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks Shelia it was fun to have the opportunity.

  8. Yikes! So good that it wasn’t much much worse. You do have beautiful eyes and now totally rock the glasses too. I had a near miss that some people still mention from time to time, at a ball game as well. I was sitting in the bleachers watching our boys play and my husband was sitting beside me fooling around with a spare glove. I didn’t notice a foul ball ricocheting off the fencing but I did notice my husband’s glove shoot up in front of my face, almost touching my nose, catching the ball with a loud thwack. Saved the day and folks watching couldn’t believe how fast it happened.

    1. Elizabeth, I am cracking up…what a great story. He saved the day, I love it.

  9. Nancy Blue Moon says:

    Oh my gosh Dawn..I am so sorry to read about this..Take care..

    1. Nancy, it is all over and done now and I am stuck with a large pupil. LOL

  10. Oh, my goodness, that had to hurt, one thing I hate is a ball coming towards me aware or not! You came out of it pretty good though and I think you have beautiful eyes!

    1. Rondell, I have just discovered I am dizzy all the time I am thinking I may have done more damage than originally found:(

  11. Oh my goodness…so very thankful to read that you are okay…what a terrible hit to the eye. It could have been so much worse…I guess…but still….and how awesome a paramedic was on hand…right place at the right time.

    Ok…first off luv, luv, luv the hat…it looks adorable (we can still be adorable, right?)…and your new glasses are gorgeous…and they suit your face perfectly. A sweet photo…and how come you have no wrinkles? lol!

    1. Charlotte, you are so kind but I do have wrinkles just get a little closer. LOL I am still having eye issues but hope it all goes away soon. It gets blurry from time to time but maybe this is just how it will always be. I am such a hat girl, I wish they would come back in style.

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