15 Wildflower’s You Can Find For FREE

Do you remember the “Wildflower Series
I did last Summer, showing you a different bouquet
each week?
I am ready to do it again, and hopefully bring
you different Wildflower’s to see this year.
Why buy flowers when Mother Nature is providing them
for Free???
Michigan is loaded with beautiful flowers all summer long,
and I intend on filling my home with
fragrant blooms.
Stop in next week to see the first
Wildflower pick for the Season.Shabby Apple Vintage Dress Winner is:
Erika P


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  1. Hi Dawn. I am popping in to say hi! Been away for a few days to the desert over the holiday weekend.

  2. Lovely! We had a little wildflower meadow in our backyard a few years ago. We still have flowers popping up all over the place.

  3. Loved that series! Did you just change your header or are you using a different blog provider?

  4. Hi Dawn! Oh, I love knowing these things. Some of the wild flowers are just so beautiful! I have a hard time growing flowers in the ground in my backyard. I believe it’s because we need more dirt. Hubby puts on a fresh cover of mulch each year and I began to think – I’m trying to grow flowers in mulch! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. I love picking wildflowers, too. Queen Anne’s Lace is blooming here. Your post reminded me that I need to pick some and dry them.
    A “beautiful” post!

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