1950’s Vintage Turquoise Fan

My new thrifty $5 find is this Vintage Dominion Turquoise Fan.
 I have seen this same fan on Etsy for $85 so I feel like I got quite a bargain.
It works perfectly, and has all the quirks of a retro item.
 I am currently using it in my office since it is still in the 90’s here.
 It has the old plug that you are afraid to use thinking it may start a fire, and it has those dangerous blades that can cut your fingers off when turning, it makes a racket when it oscillates, and it’s all part of its charm.
I love my new old fan.

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  1. Sweet find Dawn. It has great color. I have a wee little Zero fan I paid $5.00 for too and I would love to have three of them to display together one day.

  2. I love your new treasure also…got a tickle when you said the blades look like they will cut your finger off,I remember that very same thing said to us while growing up,we would get real close to the fan and sing into the blades and it would make a funny sound,I remember mama sayn’ yall better quit playn’ around that fan it’s cut your noses off…..tehehehe…we must have listen because we all still have out noses.

  3. I love it too! Especially the color!!!!!
    XO Kris

  4. Dawn
    What a steal! And beautiful to boot.
    I remember have a black one, and a
    gray one in our family home as a kid.
    They were noisey, for sure.

  5. It’s perfectly charming, Dawn! I remember having those & the constant warning from any adult around to not get too close or you might lose your finger or nose — yeah, no wonder I’m such a “twitchy” person….lol!


  6. Love these old fans! They look great on display even if they don’t work. Yours is a lovely color, Jean

  7. What a great fan!! I love the color,and what a bargain.


  8. I love the sound of a fan and I continue to be amazed at the bargains you find. This is incredible. I have seen these fans online too and they are very pricey. Perfect color too.

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