Join The 30 Minute Cleaning Challenge
Do you procrastinate about getting chores done or just hate looking at the big picture so you do nothing at all? Well if you’re up for the challenge I encourage you to follow along in my monthly “30 Minute Cleaning Challenge”. I know for me I work better from a set list of things I would like to get accomplished, and if I break that list down into simpler ways to do the work it seems to get done.
Here’s how it will work: I will pick an area to work on for the month along with a weekly challenge. Everything on the list can be done in 30 minutes or less. For instance week one is to clean, and organize the inside of your upper kitchen cabinets. You don’t have to work steady for 30 minutes you can break the challenge up into 10 minute intervals, a cupboard a day or whatever works best for your schedule. Believe me you can accomplish this in the allotted time.
By the end of the year I plan on working my way from room to room getting all those hidden spots neat, tidy, and organized. While you’re at it keep a couple of boxes in the room with you, one for donate and one for recycle. No need in stuffing those unwanted items back into the cupboards. This challenge will keep you on top of all those areas of your home that are easily neglected.
For me I have lived in our new home for 6 years now and it amazes me how many things have fallen into that, “just stuff it here” spot rather than put it in it’s designated place. I know you all can squeeze 30 minutes of time into your schedule once a week so come join in on the cleaning frenzy.
I’ll be back, with pictures at the end of each week to show you how my Week #1 Challenge went.
Good for you Dawn! you go girl.
Thanks Debbie, I hope my ambition keeps up ๐
Great idea and I will be following along, my friend!
Claudia so glad to have you on board. For me once I write it down and commit the task gets done.
Love this idea! I’ve been working on something like it for myself, choosing a different room to tackle every month! Good luck ๐
Susan, that is my plan also and hit those spots that no one sees.
Great idea Dawn!! I’m in the middle of cleaning my upstairs now… just needed a little blogging break;)
Good for you Martina, it always feels good to accomplish a big cleaning task.
I need this inspiration Dawn, and starting in the kitchen is very doable! I’m a list maker myself so I think I’ll make a list of things to tackle each week, too!
Jane, I think lists make it all more manageable and as we get older a big project looks like a lot to do. I like being able to break it into smaller projects to get the job done.
Thanks Dawnโฆoff to do my “30 minutes of cleaning” in kitchen too!
Good for you Shirley, It will be fun to have other bloggers follow along and tidy up some needed areas.
I’m working on something similar to stay ahead of it all. It is easier to do small amounts before it gets away from you which can happen pretty easily. Remember to put on some good music and have fun!
Cindy, it is amazing how fast a home can get away from you. We built 6 years ago and moved nothing from the old place, we started over, and amazingly things are stacking up again. It will be nice to get everything weeded out again.
Great idea Dawn. This way too you do not feel overwhelmed. Thanks for the tips.
Kris, exactly it is much easier to get a space clean if you break it into smaller portions.
Sounds good Dawn, I think I can do this!
Rondell, it will be fun to have you join in. It is a great way to commit to getting everything neat and tidy.
Great ideas! It feels so good to get everything cleaned up!
I’ll be sure to follow these tips.
Pam, I know will will keep me on track if I have to post about it.
Hi Dawn,
I came across your website while searching for easy organizational schedules… I’m just wondering if you have saved the other 11 months somewhere? I’d love to have a copy of them ๐
thanks in advance,