5 Cut Flowers You Can Grow From Seed
If you love flower but think you can’t grow them or can’t afford flower starters; think again! Today I’m going to share with you my tried and tested, easy to grow, inexpensive flower seeds that are no fail. Before you know it you’ll have beautiful cut flowers adorning your garden and home.
Learn from my mistakes! I’ve been down that road of walking into a greenhouse, seeing all the beautiful blooms, being awe struck, and coming home with hundreds of dollars in flowers that just didn’t work for my conditions.
Just a reminder today is the day I join other bloggers to share cozy ideas, the event is hosted by Jennifer from Town-N-Country. Don’t forget to click on the thumbnails below to get more April ideas.
The blooms I have listed below are no brainers, anyone can grow them, they tolerate heat and shade, they can be grown from seed directly sown into the soil, and they’ll give you beautiful blooms without the expense of starter plants or the need for a greenhouse.
Most of these variety you can also find at the Dollar Store FYI and I harvest my own seeds from most of these from year to year so all I have invested is the initial $1 pack of seeds. If you remind me at the end of the season I will send you some seeds from my harvest:) I’m happy to share the love!
In my own garden if I let these go to seed they come back up the following years! Wow flowers that keep on giving that aren’t perennials. But I do take the time to harvest seeds just too make sure I have a crop the following year.
At my place I have all raised garden beds and I designate them for food production, but I always find a way to sprinkle a few flower seeds amongst the vegetable plants in order to have cut flowers for inside the house. It also makes the veggie garden look pretty.
Directly sow all Sunflowers, Cosmos, Zinnias, Marigold, and Sweet Peas into the soil as soon as it warms up and there’s no danger of frost. Give them a sprinkle of water and let them do their thing. These are the best flowers that never fail. They will germinate and give you beautiful blooms.
These are the best options I have found, and I’ve tried many over the years. I’ve always said if I have to babysit a flower, give it special soil, and special fertilizer it’s not a flower for me. These varieties are for me, they require nothing special to make the grow and it gives me satisfaction in knowing I can have flowers without the fuss.
Spring is here and it’s time to get into the stores and pick up a few packets of seeds. Enjoy and Happy Gardening!
Duke Manor Farm / Creative Cain Cabin / Finding Silver Pennies / Town and Country Living
Dawn, such wonderful varieties. We’re actually planning a cutting garden 😉 My son plans on doing sunflowers from seed and we have seedlings going of sweet peas, zinnias, corn cockle, Queen Anne’s Lace etc. Can’t wait. Sweet Peas remind me of my wedding – we had them in bud vases on each table.
Danielle, I’ve never heard of corn cockle, and Queen Annes Lace grows wild in my neck of the woods. I bet your garden will be spectacular, flowers of any kind are beautiful.
Oh I love flowers all over the place and a cutting garden is always the best. Hubby always planted me one, so I need to get my act in gear and get one going. Love your choices.
Marty, flowers are a great pick me up and in todays world we need all the joy we can get.
You and I both had garden flowers on the brain! Cosmos are one of my faves – and marigolds remind me of my mother and grandfather. He’d always plant them around his veggie garden. My mom had a planter full of them and one year when we had a pet crow, he’d always pluck the blooms off the marigolds. LOL.
Jennifer, I agree after reading your post we are both ready to garden. I too plant the marigolds around my garden they really work for keeping the critters out. I never knew cows would bother marigolds. I wonder if he ate them or just liked plucking the heads off, LOL?
Do you have deer problems? I live in the lower Sierras of California where the deer eat everything I plant except St. John’s Wort and rosemary. I just planted zinnias in pots on my deck where the critters can’t get to them, except squirrels who love to hide their nut finds in my potted plants. Wondering about sweet peas and purple cornflower. Do you know if they’re deer resistant? Nothing seems to be deer “proof.” Lavender was suggested, but they seemed to love it for Sunday brunch! Thanks for all your ideas. I look forward to your posts.
Linda, Yes we have a deer problem for sure. To keep them out of my garden I shred Irish Spring Soap and sprinkle it around the entire perimeter of my garden and they hate the smell so they stay out. It works for rabbits too. Here is a post I did about it: https://creativecaincabin.com/dollar-store-garden-hacks/
Thanks, Dawn. Irish Spring on my garden list now for sure.
We are planting our very first garden this year and I so want a cut garden! Thank you for sharing this with us! YAY!
Laurie, You’ll love having the fresh flowers to bring into the house. Pick easy to maintain and grow varieties and you’ll be hooked.
Great tips Dawn!…I get to impatient and tend to buy my flowers that are already blooming! 🙂
Shirley, I can get that way too but it’s such an expense that I’ve went with seeds instead.
Hi Dawn…can you email me at your convenience?
Hi Dawn great tips! There is nothing like beautiful cut flowers all season long.
Hi Dawn,
I would love to have some seeds if you can sometime spare any. We had to move last year in 30 days after someone bought the property. We had no idea he was selling. I lost alot of my plants and seed collection because I didn’t have time to get them. Your flowers are beautiful. Happy Growing and Thank you! 😊
Thank you for the Cosmos seed! I am so happy to have them.🌱🌱🌿🌱🍃