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Blooming Sunflowers In The Fall Garden

Sunflower, Garden, Fall

The last things to be pulled from the fall garden are the sunflower blooms. As they start to fade I let the birds eat a big portion of the seeds but I must confess I cut a few heads to keep as seed to plant for the next year.

Sunflower, Garden, Fall, Garden Obelisk, Garden Bunting

Iโ€™ve been gathering my own sunflower seeds for several years now and havenโ€™t had to buy any in years. I always have enough to share too. This year I mailed some out to a few of my friends here that follow the blog; those that requested milkweed seeds. By the way I hope everyone got them by now.

Some years back I made a natural sunflower bird feeder from a large sunflower head, you can see that post here and itโ€™s super easy to make; youโ€™ll have everything you need right at home.

en, Fall, Garden Obelisk, Garden Bunting

This year I had several volunteer sunflower seeds start to sprout in the galvanized bucket I had on our side porch. I planted the basil and started noticing other plants peeking out from the soil so I decided to let them go and see what theyโ€™d become.

Sunflower, Galvanized Bucket, Container Garden, Fall

Every year I have volunteer plants start here and there and Iโ€™m always glad I let them be and see what they turn out to be. So far Iโ€™ve never been disappointed and itโ€™s fun waiting and watching as they grow.

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One Comment

  1. I did get the seeds thanks you so much. The extra packets were such a nice surprise. I just love your sunflowers. They are gorgeous. I can’t wait to plant them all in the spring. Thanks so much Dawn.

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