Crab Apple Tree
Our crab apple tree is ripe with tiny, sour apples right now. I don’t know if you have every tried a crab apple, but they are so tart you contort your face and just shutter when you bite into one. Like when you give a small child a lemon to suck on, it cracks me up every time, they have the most horrific look on their face.
This particular crab apple tree mysteriously appeared from the tall grass of our field one spring morning. Hubby and I were laying in bed on a Saturday morning, it happened to be our anniversary, and from our bedroom window I spied the most beautiful pink blossoms just above the grass. I looked at hubby and said look there’s a flowering tree growing in the field and we didn’t plant a tree there. Well my wheels start turning and I say let’s go see what it is. Hubby wasn’t the least bit excited about checking on the tree. At this point it started to rain and I said it is the perfect time to dig it up and move it to the Cabin. I got the “look” from him but I ignored it and said I’ll get the shovel and meet you at the tree. Luckily I have a hubby that goes along with my crazy brilliant ideas and it’s not because he wants to that’s for sure. He seldom tells me no about anything. So off to the field we went. Me with my cute, fashionable rain boots and shovel and hubby with the look of disgust on his face.
It didn’t take long to dig the sapling up especially with all the rain the soil was pretty saturated, and off to the Cabin we trudged to plant the new tree. At this point I was sure it was an apple tree but didn’t know what kind, I was hoping for one that produced firm delicious apples. Well what I got and what I wanted were two different things. I still enjoy all the beautiful pink flowers the tree produces in the spring, but for apple eating, the tree is a bust.
It’s also not an attractive tree. It grows with a huge curve in it’s trunk, and it’s branches are shaped like an umbrella. But it is our crab apple tree, that was discovered growing in our own field, on our anniversary. So for me it’s special crab apple tree.
Kind of fun and funky – I love it! I’m a fan of crab apple trees too. I asked for one for Mother’s Day several years ago.
Sharon, they are so pretty in fall with the pink blossoms and fragrant smell. You need to get one you will enjoy it:)
You cared enough to move that tree…maybe there is hope yet! I think the blossoms would almost be better than the fruit. Love your photos.
Thanks Ann, that darn tree never seems to get any bigger, it just stays the same and flowers and fruits every year.
Love crab apple trees. We have one and they produce the prettiest pink flowers. I love the arch to the tree it gives it some character!!! What a beautiful gift to both of you on your anniversary.
Kris, that’s a good way to put it, it’s not ugly it has character. LOL
A bird friend planted it for you. Birds plant crepe myrtles and lantana for me here and I move them around all the time. I can see a flower arrangement with your wee apples.
Olive I think you are right. Great idea to do an arrangement:)
OMG! Have you never eaten crab apple jelly? It’s the first jelly I ever made. I have fond memories of my Grandmother teaching me to make this jel. A bonus is that the jelly is the most beautiful pink you have ever seen!!! Cute site.
Rene’e, No I have never heard of it or tried it. I bet a lot of sugar goes into make it. I bet the pink color is beautiful. Thanks for stopping by:)
Apple and crabapple trees grow all over near us in the mountains! I love them! So pretty. I loved the story, of the replanted tree!!
xo Kris
Kris, I can’t wait for our eating apple trees to start producing. If I can just keep the deer out of them. I forget you are close to apple country too.
The sentiments of the tree make it a most beautiful tree!….Loved the story…
Thank you Shirley, it’s funny how items bring about lasting memories. I will have to see if hubby remembers the story behind the tree.
We have two crab apple trees growing in our front yard. Well, actually three–two of them have inter-twined trunks, which always makes a unique backdrop for picture-taking when the blossoms come on in the Spring!
No crap apple trees Aunt KO? Thats what I get for posting early before my brain is turned on.
Oh, I think your tree looks fun! And I love that it has special meaning, too! ๐
Susan, Thanks for stopping in:) and have a wonderful day!
Oh Dawn, I love this story.
And I love the tree with it’s special story behind it.
It sounds like you’re one lucky lady, with that catch of yours!
Kim, I will have to ask my hubby if he remembers the story behind that tree. I don’t think men are so sentimental like us gals:)
He’s a wonderful hubby for sure:)
I sort of love the shape of that tree, Dawn. Looks like a tree in an old Chinese wood block print.
Claudia, I have decided to quit saying it is ugly and call it unique instead. LOL
What a sweet (or sour) story! I think your tree has lots of character! The crab apples are beautiful. What lens do you use on your camera. Your images are always so stunning!
Yvonne, thanks for taking time to read my little story:) I agree the tree has character! I used my 50mm for the macro shots (upclose) and my 70-200mm for the view of the whole tree. I have several lenses and use them all every day. Each one serves it’s one purpose so I normally swap them out wile taking photos. I need to get another camera body and then I wouldn’t have to keep swapping.
It’s so cute! I haven’t had much luck with trees here in AZ, TOO HOT!! But the lime tree my hubby planted before he passed is still coming along and even yielded a few tiny limes this year. Maybe next year they will be eatable!
Cindy, A like tree would never grow in my neck of the wood. I bet you enjoy seeing the few pieces of fruit it is getting and think of your hubby when you see them:)
What a lovely and symbolic find! A pretty story.
Thank you so much it is amazing the things that trigger my memory and this tree is one that does that every year when I see it flower and fruit.