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Creating A Cut Flower Garden From Dollar Store Seeds

Cut Flower Garden Using Dollar Store Seeds

I finally got around to using up those flower seeds I purchased from the Dollar Store. The packets of seeds were actually 25ยข each; what a bargain if they germinate.ย  So far the others I purchased from there are all up and thriving in my containers so I have no reason to believe any different from these.ย 

Iโ€™ve been stalling to get these in. The vegetable garden was more important since we will be eating those items so the flower seed starting was on the back burner. I have no idea why but late yesterday evening in the muggy 85 degree heat I decided to sow them.

Wow was it hot outside; so hot the grass was wet from humidity. If youโ€™ve followed me for long you know I HATE hot weather. Iโ€™m a 72-75 degree with a breeze girl and no humidity. But for some reason I had the notion to get the raised bed planted.

Cut Flower Garden Using Dollar Store Seeds

Hereโ€™s what I planted:

  • Cleome
  • Snapdragon
  • Zinnia
  • Cosmos
  • Alyssum

I have $1.25 invested in my cut flower garden this year and I have it planted in one of the 8X4 raised garden beds thatโ€™s in with my vegetables.ย  Iโ€™m hopeful they will all germinate and grow and for that price it was sure worth a try.

I give the soil a good dose of water, sprinkle the seeds in a wide row, scuff a little dirt over them and wait. To remember what I have planted in each row I added the seed packet to a stake and covered it with a mason jar to protect it from the rain. Once they pop from the soil I may take out the markers, or I may leave them just because I think they look pretty; who know!

I started 25ยข Dollar Store seeds indoors in:

  • Petunia
  • Phlox
  • Moss Roses

And everything germinated and are now planted in containers on my deck.  This will be my forever way of filling my deck pots from now on.  I have spent as much as $400 on flats in the past and Iโ€™ll never do that again. Now that I know they are easy to grow from seed it will be my new go to. 

Cut Flower Garden Using Dollar Store Seeds

Ya canโ€™t beat the price and itโ€™s super easy to do; so why not save the money and grow from seed? Iโ€™ll be back to show you how the germination process is going soon. It should only take a few days for them to pop out of the soil and before you know it I will have beautiful bloom in the garden.ย 

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  1. I buy 99% of seeds from The Dollar Store and they grow just fine! Haven’t tried the mason jar trick—great idea!

  2. I love your idea to use the Mason jar as a seed packet protector!! I’ve bought expensive seeds and dollar store seeds and I have to say that I have been more successful with the dollar store seeds. They don’t have a huge variety and so I still have to buy some seeds elsewhere.

  3. Debbie Lorson says:

    Darling idea putting the seed packet on the stick then putting the jar over that. Cannot wait to see the plants grow.

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