Crepe Paper Spring Flowers
I’m always looking for easy craft things to do with my Granny Red, for those of you who don’t remember she’s 95, works out at a gym 3 days a week, and considered blind. I’m always limited with craft ideas, but felt with some help she could do this one. I did all the cutting and she assemble these inexpensive crepe paper flowers (all items can be purchased at the Dollar Store….crepe paper, glue, and skewers are what I purchased).
Gram still can see silhouettes, so that helps some but most of her projects are done by feel. She does have a big magnifying glass she used to see the flowers better. I let her pick the colors and we got started flower making. I was quite surprised how time consuming they are to make. It took about 2 hours to make the bouquet you see here.
I scoured Pinterest for several ideas and used the pattern from here. I did modify it to suit our needs and make it easier for Granny, but it’s very easy to follow.
I’ll be back soon to show you how I made the white vase they’re in. It’s another Dollar Store craft.
Paper roses! Love that song! That’s what I was thinking when I read this post. A pretty lady and flowers. Haven’t made paper flowers in ages. Sweet post Dawn, Kathleen in Az
Kathleen well now’s the time to make some flowers. You would have a fun time.
Oh your Granny Red is so beautiful…love seeing her here again..I so love those flowers…I remember making them in school and bringing home a bouquet of them home to my mom…I remember being so proud of them…I love these beautiful flowers that Granny Red made!…You are the best granddaughter…I hope mine will make crafts with me when I am 95…:)
Shirley I remember making some too in school now that you mention it but hadn’t remembered until you said something.
I have a Gram too! Love that you shared a pic of yours. I like these flowers and I think they would look just as cute in the green Mason jars that my Gram gave me and you inspired me to use in my decor!
By the way, I did use black for the PicMonkey overlay tutorial of yours. It may be the pictures I tried it with [over green grass].
Thanks for replying back!
Windi, these would look darling in a mason jar. Make a white version of your watermark too for the darker photos.
I can hear Donny and Marie singing Paper Roses right now in my head. Granny Red is so pretty and how adorable to have this project together. The flowers are so pretty. Have a wonderful week end Dawn.
Kris, I used to watch that show back in the day and just think their popular again. LOL
I am just in awe of Granny Red! You must tell her that she has a huge fan club! I bet you are her favorite granddaughter and I am so impressed with your thoughtfulness! Love you, girl!
Jane, when I write about her I always read her all the comments and she get’s a kick out of them. She’s a star at 95.
What a beauty your dear Granny is..and what a sweetie you are to find things that you and she can enjoy together Dawn..