Daffodil Blooms
Looks what’s blooming at our guest house, daffodils. Between the bursts of snow, rain, and the occasional sunny day daffodils never seem to fail. They bloom the same time every years without fail no matter the weather conditions.
I rescued this batch after noticing my husband had drove the bobcat right over a good potion of them. Apparently he didn’t think they were anything special or realize he was supposed to avoid them, so this bouquet was all I could salvage.
I probably need to dig them up and move them to the main house once these die back. I planted them along with tulip bulbs years ago and they still come back every year. Now the tulip bulbs only lasted about 2 years and they’ve never bloomed again.
They add a little sunshine to the kitchen right now, and they remind me that spring is here and more things will be blooming soon. I just love how nature gives me hope of new things to come.
I love your arrangement of daffodils! It gives such a fresh and clean feeling. May I have permission to use your photo to create a painting?
Sunny yellow to welcome Spring, very pretty:).
Suppose to be 93 for Easter.
Spring in the desert:).
Have beautiful Spring day,
Kathleen in Az
Your flowers are beautiful. They are so bright and cheerful. They go so nice with checkered blue material.
I have some planted also, they bloom year after year, but my tulips do not. They only bloomed a couple of seasons and stopped…or the squirrils dug them up.
So pretty and fresh!!
Daffodils are one of my favorites! You’d love this place near us–Daffodil Hill!
Pretty daffodils in a lovely white jug.