Down on the Farm

 As you all know… I normally get my farm fresh eggs from my bestie.
Well, it seems her chickens have a new feeding schedule (due to work related issues) and have decided to quit laying.  So, I had to seek out a temporary
place to get eggs.  
Which isn’t to hard here in farm country.

Just around the corner from me a farm has eggs everyday.  I have been stopping for the last 3 weeks to get eggs.  They keep them in an outside fridge so it’s self server.  Every time I show up the chickens are running as fast as they can to greet me. I think they would all load up in my SUV if I let them.
I decided to grab my camera and snap a few shots.  After I put all the eggs in the car and was putting my camera away, I started giggling to myself.
I bet if the owners were looking out the window, they though I was nuts taking
pictures of their chickens.  
I’m sure they labeled me as a city slicker…. after seeing me coaxing the chickens into a good photo pose.  

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  1. Cute post. I remember as a kid my grandmothers chickens always running up to us for attention. They really are very sociable creatures. And yes, they would be laughing. 🙂

  2. Dawn,
    This is so cute. How adorable that they were not picture shy. This made me smile today.

  3. Oh that is so funny! My besties has chickens and I get fresh eggs from them. I have been know to try to take pics of ‘the girls’ but they don’t pose well at all. My friends just shake their heads at me!

  4. We have chickens and I can sit and watch them all day. They are so cute. We have four hens and one rooster:). We just bought a couple of weeks ago eight more hens so we will be having eggs coming out of our ears. Oh well there are so many people who will take fresh farm eggs!!!

  5. So cute! I agree, you need chickens.. you would be a great chicken mama 😉 Sure do love mine. Wonder what kind these are.. they are gorgeous! Enjoy those eggs!

  6. I wish i could get some farm fresh eggs in my neck of the woods! Great pics!


  7. When I try to take photos of my son’s chickens the rooster looks at me like ‘what the heck are you doing’ and I expect him to take off after me. He doesn’t seem to like the black camera blocking my face.


  8. That is toooo fantastic,self serve eggs,great day that would be a good thing.

    Love the photo’s of the chickens,I see they are not knee deep in snow,so maybe Spring will be Sprung soon.

  9. I’d be doing the same thing! My family rolls their eyes at me all of the time as I’m always pulling out my camera.

    – Alma, The Tablescaper

  10. Seeing picture of the old barn brought back so many memories of many old barns pretty much like that one all over the country. I used to go with my husband when he was trucking out of MT and KY. I loved seeing all the old country places, wondering what their lives were like, seeing lights in the windows of their homes at night. Loved seeing the chickens also.
    My Aunt/Uncle in OH had chickens when I was a kid, one always chased me when we went there. I loved their old farm house, can still picture it in my mind. Whenever we went there was always the smell of fresh baked bread my Aunt was always making.
    I’m good at remembering things years ago but not 5 minutes ago, seems it’s something older people do. Short term memory, what was that? lol. It’s great to have those memories tho.
    We used to drive from Cleveland to Sheffield, PA (close to Erie I think to see my paternal grandparents. They lived in such a small town the road was dirt with a woods about 2 blocks down. I always loved the trip there and back seeing all the old places.
    Your pictures really bring back the memories. Happy Weekend

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