Dumpster Dive
I found this treasure one morning while walking my dog. My neighbor threw this easel style chalk board in the dumpster.
I was so hoping it would still be there when I finished my walk and had time to get back to the dumpster with my Jeep.
Lucky me it was still there!
Nothing was wrong with it other than it needed some screws tightened and that ugly paint job had to go.
So I taped off the chalk board portion,
Went to my paint stash and picked out some paint. I chose “Colonial Red’ for the project and started painting.
Not bad for free.
All I had invested was one can of spray paint that I already had on hand.
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I think I would have abandon my walk and just dragged this little gem home. Of course I have no willpower when it comes to exercise. Its amazing how one person’s junk turns into another person’s treasure. Love it!
So cute! And my favorite decorating color-red!
Just think if you hadn’t gone for that walk, you would’ve missed it!
A lucky find!
I have one just like that ~ well, not as junky as the one you found in the dumpster, and not as beautiful as yours is now ~ in the playroom for my granddaughter. Maybe I should try to update it.
Also, I saw “you” at Lowes Friday. (It wasn’t really you, but I immediately thought of you. Your double ~ as seen from the back ~ was wearing a yellow shirt, brown capris, yellow sandals, and she was carrying a yellow purse (that she probably got from her cousin). hehehe
Good Save.
Yay! How cute is that? I also think(?) that Colonial Red is the one I try to keep on hand. My go-to paint! Love this project. -Tammy
What a great find! Just too cute! My boys want one of these.
Looks great! And so resourceful! lol
Dropping by from Met Monday
You gotta love dumpster diving! It looks great!
That’s adorable! What a great job. I’m jealous.
This is so cute. What a fun thing to have on your porch. You can leave so many useful notes, nice quotes, or whatever on the chalkboard. Great find and nice paint job – gotta love red!
Nice Post, Material for recycling may be collected separately from general waste using dedicated bins and collection vehicles, or sorted directly from mixed waste streams.
WOW! What a great find indeed! Love how you fixed it up! Great job! Stopping by from {just something i whipped up}.
Super find and fabulous redo! I like the idea of keeping it on the porch as a greeting station. Wouldn’t it be great to use at a cookout to list the menu? So many possibilities.
I have one of these in my basement from when my dd was younger. I think it would look really cool painted up in Colonial Red. Great idea…thanks for sharing!
I have done that many time too. Gone for a walk on garbage day and raced home to get the car hoping it doesn’t get picked up before I get back. Nice job!
How cute! You’ll enjoy this a lot. I could totally picture this at Christmas with someone’s wish list on it. Actually, this chalkboard reminds me of my childhood because I had a similiar easel that I used all the time.
Don’t ya just love the free stuff!!?? You did a great job with this and I love how simple and modern the lines of the easel are. You really jazzed it up with that red paint!! I’ve got an easel that I’m going to have to start rethinking now….
Looks good as new! Love the red!
Lucky you! What a great find and I love the red!
What an amazing find! You did a wonderful job on the revamp, it looks great!
Oh my! If the people who dumped it could see it now!
Wow what a great find.I really like yours post a lot.
dumpster rental