Easy Upcycle Framed Chalkboard for Seasonal Wreath Display
Today I’m sharing with you an upcycle project that’s getting a second go around. I’ve been getting my Christmas decorating all planned while the weather was still nice and this painting project was on my list. Luckily the nice days lasted much longer than they normally do here in Michigan.
I painted the frame from a $1 garage sale print a neutral gray and lined the inside with an old canvas print from Ikea. We used the map when we homeschooled and it was no longer needed.
Here’s the lovely print (that had holes in it by the way) in it’s before state. I painted it turquoise for a while (the first upcycle) and used it to frame out my cow print. When that phase was over it was time for the second upcycle to take place. I measured and cut the Ikea canvas (I cut it into two sections so I’d have a backup if I needed to replace it again before the weather was nice). I purchased chalkboard spray paint, pegged it to my close line, and started painting. Once it dried I stapled it to the backside of the frame.
I plan on adding my Christmas wreath and doing a little embellishment with a chalk pen around the wreath. You’ll have to stop back by to see how that turned out after Thanksgiving. I’m thrilled to be one step ahead of the weather this year (that rarely happens). I took advantage of the warm days and got my outside wreaths up, the Christmas lights in place, and the swags over the door. Drop back by next week when I’ll be bringing on the Christmas decor.
Dawn, how cleaver ! Staying ahead of the weather is also a good feeling. I love when the to-do list gets done quicker than expected.
Cheryl I knew the snow would be here soon so why not try and stay one step ahead of it, and lucky for me it dumped snow last night.
We’ve had some lovely weather for November. I’m catching up with sites after my second cataract eye surgery last Tuesday. I loved your ideas for camera buffs for Christmas. I’ve been checking out that handy level, think it should go on my list. Now I can finally see clearly when I look through the lens of my Canon camera … the eye surgery has been amazing.
Linda did you know there is a small dial on your camera near where you put your eye that can be adjusted to your prescription? It’s an amazing little tool and no need for not being able to see ๐ Im glad to hear the surgery worked for you!
I’ve used that little wheel frequently Dawn, but with cataracts, eventually even my prescription glasses didn’t take away the blur or fuzz, so it didn’t help.
Linda wow your eyes must have been getting bad. Im so glad you have them fixed now.
Beautiful as always Dawn. We are going to get 10 inches of snow tomorrow. Ughhhh here it comes!
Have a safe and warm week end.
Kris yes we got hit with the snow. Im happy about it I love the look and Im tired of everything looking dead.
Love, love it Dawn!!!
Thank you Shirley….now to Christmafy it.