Entryway Clean Up

Easy Entry Way Storage with Coat Hooks, Seating Bench, Overhead and Underfoot DoorsThe area I tackled for March’s Cleaning Challenge was the side entryway . It has simple coat hooks, because the men in my life have no idea what a hanger is, and storage above and below the seating bench. This area gets cluttered easily because of it’s size everyone uses it as their dumping spot. The normal things are coats, hats, dog leash and my purse but for some reason over the winter it accumulated antifreeze, a tool for the bobcat, a store return, recyclables,  and lots of heavy winter coats. I figured spring was finally upon us so I could put the winter coats away and brought out a few light weight jackets, the umbrellas, and of course the spurs.

SpursI have no idea how so many thing can get dropped in this spot. I used to be a stickler and make everyone take care of things right aways, but with age I let more things go, you know…don’t sweat the small stuff. I have plenty of visitors and no one seems to mind if they can’t find a place to sit down and take off their shoes. I know a house can’t look like a magazine all the time but this spot was definitely in need of a good weeding out and taking care of.

before and after entry wayCan you believe all that stuff? It sure was a relief to get it under control again and I bet the kids and hubby don’t even notice they will just throw more stuff in the empty space. We keep our motorcycle helmets in the above cabinets and my tools that I hide are in the lower cabinets. I have to have a secret hiding spot or when I go to get something it is gone, and I hate not having my tools right where I can find them. Do you have a secret spot for your tools too?


So one more area conquered. I think I will work on my pantry for next months cleaning challenge. That area will take a while someone used the cram method for organization and I hate to even look in there. I have such a large food supply on hand it will be good to see what all there is and use it up before buying more. How’s your spring cleaning going?



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  1. I didn’t make an April challenge because I still have to finish my March list.

    This post reminds me that I need to get going and finish everything up.

    Your side entry is looking good.

    1. Carol, posting everything here has kept me on track so far, and that’s a good thing.

  2. Such a timely post since I was JUST this a.m. looking at the pile of shoes and bags on the floor in the entry. The hall tree is loaded with coats, too, and I thought how I need to get this area to work better. But what do I tend to do? Head out into the garden. I’d rather be weeding, truly!

    1. Barbara, lol wish there was something to weed here. Nothing coming up yet its to cold. I bet you get to your entryway soon.

  3. Looks great Dawn…no secret hiding place for tools…my hubby is super organized and I am the one who has to make sure I put them back in the place ๐Ÿ™‚ ….I love that you have a great space to “hang your hat” Have a great weekend!

    1. Shriley, so nice to have an organized hubby. Mine not so much ๐Ÿ™

  4. Dawn, you covered once again one of my ‘challenges’! Thanks for the ideas and have a great Spring!

    1. Noelle, so glad you are getting the cleaning bug too. It always feels good to get some area cleaned up even if it doesn’t last long.

  5. Dawn love how organized you are. Love love your entry way. I need to get at my front entry way closet. It is real scary when you open the door. LOL! Thanks for the tips.

    1. Kris, I need to do our coat coset too. It seems to get everything crammed in their after each season.

  6. Your bench looks like ours a lot of the time. Usually a couple of purses, things to return, a coat or two. It’s so nice to get it all cleaned up and looking great! Yes, I hide my tools too, or else someone uses them and doesn’t think it’s a big deal that they didn’t put them back… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for another cleaning challenge.

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