Fall Log Home Kitchen
As promised I’m back to show you my fall kitchen and the floor board replacement. If you missed the first post you can see it here. Look closely can you tell which board we removed and replaced? The only reason I can tell is it’s a tiny bit shinier and that’s just because it hasn’t had the wear and tear of 6 years of people and pets traipsing over it.
Okay so I’ll point it out to you (the big black arrow). Do you notice a little more shine?
I think it’s a pretty good match and certainly an easier fix and much more cost effective. The pine board isn’t red pine like the rest of the floors so I did have to mix two stain colors to get an exact match (somehow it matches perfectly) but it all blends in nicely so now I think we’ll move forward and do the other 3 cracked boards. Here’s an up close shot and too me it’s not a noticeble fix at all.
I’m enjoying all the warm tones I’ve added to the kitchen and while I was at it I also changed the colors in the living room (post to follow). I’m also happy to say I’ve made my way through the entire house and have cleaned every closet, cupboard, and room. Took loads to the Hospice resale store, donated to friends and family and burned the trash that was left. It’s so nice to downsize. I did get rid of lots of bedding and noticed I have about 40 pillow covers so I’m going to try and stick to certain colors from here on out so everything can mix and match. I only kept things that can all be used together and go with any season (or I’m going to make them work for every season).
That was a hard task in itself. I have so many things and color combinations that I love but I had to get real and only keep things I can interchange. In the long run I think it will make decorating faster and easier when I don’t have as much to choose from.
The colors I tried to stick with are rust, yellow, gray, black, tan, white, green, and turquoise. I figured when I add the turquoise it would make it feel more summery. Now if I can just stick to it. I also moved all my mom’s vintage pyrex into my place and everything she had from my childhood came in the above color tones (except for turquoise). I was so excited to see she had left it in the guest house when she moved. It sure brings back memories and a smile to my face every time I look at the collection.
If you noticed in some of the photos I am using a vintage yellow pyrex baking dish to store my salt, pepper, oil, and vinegars in next to the stove and on the window sill the green pyrex bowl holds my dish cloths. Have a great Sunday everyone and stop back by next week to see the living room color changes.
The replacement board looks great! What an inexpensive fix until you’re ready to replace everything. Well done!
Pam Im so thankful it turned out and we don’t have to replace everything right now. Im very happy with the results.
Dawn I love your kitchen!! What a great fix on the floor boards….I LOVE those farmhouse style lights!!
Martina the lights are from Menards they’re made for outdoor use but I painted them ORB and used them in the kitchen instead.
Hi Dawndie! Oh, the floor looks beautiful! An exact match! No one would ever know you had replaced that board. I love your kitchen and it looks so ‘CLEAN’. Now you know I want to see your mother’s Pyrex! I love Pyrex! Hope all is well.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ๐
Shelia I will be back to show off the Pyrex soon.
Love those yellow stools and I believe I have never noticed the lights before. Those are so cool! I too am cleaning out and donating or carrying to a consignment store.
Kim I would love to give to a consignment store but I was ready to move it all and didn’t want to make multiple stops so Hospice is the answer for me. All the money goes to a great cause.
I would never notice that floorboard change Dawn…Love the bright yellow Pyrex too…
Nancy I don’t think anyone else that came to the house has noticed the board either so Im going to say it was a successful project.
Dawn, the replacement board blends in perfectly! I’m loving the yellow stools and the beautiful combination of white with wood tones in your kitchen. It is one of my favorites in blogland!
Thank you Jane I think the earthy colors work best in my home and agree the yellow is so pretty.
Dawn…if you had not mentioned your floor board that you replaced….I would have never noticed it!! Your kitchen is a work of art!!
Jeanie so glad you couldn’t tell which one we replaced, that’s what I was hoping for.
Great job on the replacement board. Perfect match. Love seeing your pretty kitchen. So bright and inviting and cozy.
Happy New Week.
Kris Im so happy with the results and am ready to tackle the remaining damaged boards.
I can’t believe that you have purged your way through the house. I am not even halfway there, but I’m working on it.
Carol when Im on a mission I will work 16 hours a day at it. Hubby has been out of town so I can clean in the middle of the night if I want.
I love everything about your home and repaired floor is not noticeable. I don’t know your living room colors but I would love to see your cabinets painted a dark earthy green, kind of woodsy. I like the white but I think the right shade of green would look great against the wood. I am sure you are looking for another project!
Janie, lol and I bet you know painting is my most hated project ๐ yet I seem to do a lot of it. I’ve never thought about painting the cabinets, hubby was mortified when I wanted painted cupboards instead of stained wood. By the time we got to the kitchen I had seen my fair share of wood and was ready for a little light paint color.
I’ve always wanted to live in a log home. in 1986 we built our 2nd house, the first being a ranch style. I started out wanting to build a log home. I was talked out of it by my husband, the builders, and a realtor cousin. The cousin said, awww, it’s a fad that will run it’s course and play out. Don’t sink your money into that. I remind my husband quite often that I was talked out of a log house. I love my cape cod home, but one day, I’d still love to live in one. Your home is beautiful, by the way. May come and live with you?
Kaye sure stop on over. Log homes are very cheap to build if you do it all yourself (which we did) but there is more upkeep than a conventional home. I hope you get your cabin one day.
Excellent job on the board replacement! Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together? Everything looks like it’s out of a magazine and so pretty,Dawn!
Susan yes I do love it when a plan comes together and for the cost I love it even more ๐
Warm and inviting. Having something from you mom brings you home. Kathleen in Az
Kathleen Im sure she didn’t know how popular vintage Pyrex is right now, but I was excited to find it.
Looks gorgeous Dawn! I love the color changes you have made. I would have never noticed your floors if you didn’t point it out. Sounds like an easy fix, you lucked out ont he stain match.
Debbie I’m so happy with the results and can’t wait to do the others that are in need.
Your pictures are so cool, I love the lighting in your cabin. My husband and I have recently bought one of these, but I want to make sure that it is all ready before we go and stay in it. Do you have any tips about repairing a log cabin? Thank you!
Brooke the lights are intended for outdoors but we used them inside instead and they’re much cheaper than the indoor version. We built our cabin ourselves not long ago and so far we haven’t needed any repairs so I’m no help there.
I’m very curious what wood you used for the walls and floor in your entire cabin. We are in the process of remodeling, and going for a cabin look. However, I’m not crazy about the traditional cabin look (light yellow knotty pine planks) and common cabin decor (woodsy, bear and lodge theme). I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your style – all the vintage looks you had in the past and the neutral ones now. Everything you do seems to go well with your red/orange tone wood! Do the online pictures show a pretty true color shade?
Bethany, our exterior log walls are 8×8 red pine, and the floors are wide plank red pine, interior walls are 6 inch white pine. Yes the colors you see are very accurate. If I had to do it over again I wouldn’t have stained the interior walls, but it’s to late now. LOL
Thanks so much! I have a few more questions I’d love to ask you if you had the time? Would it be ok if I emailed you? We’re right around the corner from needing to make some decisions on our remodel, and I’m curious to get your input, as you’re cabin/rooms/decor are on the TOP of my most “pinned” for inspiration. ๐
Sure Bethany send me over an email CreativeCainCabin@gmail.com ๐
I sent you an email. ๐
Love the yellow chairs !