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Fall Slideshow

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I’m not quite ready to give up on fall yet even though the colors are fading, the mums are past their prime, and the pumpkins are starting to rot. Fall is my favorite time of the year so me and my BFF took a day trip to Amish country, Shipshewana Indiana, and while we were there I snapped a few photos. 

The town was in the process of taking down everything fall and putting up Christmas things. It seems like the Christmas stuff goes up earlier and earlier every year to me. Anyone else feel that way? I still have a few fall posts to share with you so you won’t be seeing Christmas decor here quite yet.

Now sit back and enjoy the Fall Slideshow! 

Shipshewana Indiana In FallHere’s me being silly showing how well I blend in with the fall colors, even my orange Hunter boots match the surroundings. Try not to laugh to hard at the goofy look on my face! 


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I have a totally new email that I’m sending out to subscribers. You’ll now get the current post along with a couple of extra goodies in each email. If you’re not a subscriber already I’d love for you to subscribe and by doing so you’ll receive a copy of my Rustic Christmas Decorating Guide as well as 3 Christmas Chalkboard Printables. For everyone who’s currently a subscriber I want to include you in the freebies so be watching your email inbox in the next coming week for a copy of the guide and printables. 

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For those of you who are already subscribed here what’s new: Once you open the new and exciting post format you’ll have the option at the bottom of the page to change your “Preferences” you can choose to get just the post types you like by checking the boxes that appeal to your likes or you can remain how you are now and you’ll continue to receive every post as well as any freebies I offer. You can also now pick the “Monthly Newsletter” and get all the post in one monthly email. 

I’m trying to accommodate everyone so I hope I’ve added what works for you. Let me know how you like the new email posts. I worked very hard to make it user friendly and appealing to everyone, and thank you to all who are already subscribers of CCC. 


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  1. Beautiful fall pics, Dawn!! Enjoyed you being silly also!!!

    1. Thanks Jeanie it’s nice having a fiend with me for the trip, so someone else can take the pics and I can be in them ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Lovely photos, Dawn. Sad to hear even Shipshewana is taking down the fall decor and putting up the ones for Christmas. I think it’s way too early. I do like to pin some ideas to my board, but that is all that’s going up before Thanksgiving in this house. Lol.

    P.S. Enjoyed seeing you in the photo. Love your new Hunter boots! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Jen yes everywhere is gearing up for Christmas. I do know in my parts town’s try and get things up before the snow hits making it dangerous to be working when it’s slippery. I have to admit, I’m going to crawl out on my roof and get the wreaths up in the next week to avoid a slip and fall from ice.

  3. I LOVE the slideshow! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Also I agree with you about the whole Christmas thing starting earlier each year. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving and it makes me sad that it gets overlooked. Thank you for not giving up on fall and your beautiful fall posts.

    1. Amanda, I think Thanksgiving is totally skipped over now we go from Halloween to Christmas and all those displays are in the store way too early. I’m not sure what the rush is?

  4. I’m so glad I hopped over here to see the beautiful display of fall in your slide show. As you know, we don’t get that kind of color here in SC, and what we do get doesn’t come until late November. The cutest photo was you in your new orange boots! Looks like you were having a grand time.

    1. Jane, you need to come north some year and do a color tour, the U.P. has a stunning view for color.

  5. Kathleen G says:

    You certainly do blend with Fall colors:). I’m for all Fall. Especially reading my favorite blogs that lives in Autumnal country. Well, we just broke the record here, 100 degrees today. Sign:(. Thank you so much for today’s post, I needed it, Kathleen in Az

    1. Kathleen and I didn’t even plan for my outfit to match, lol. OMG 100 that’s even to hot for summer months. I don’t know how you do it, I always look forward to our snowy winter.

  6. You defiantly have an artists eye when it comes to photography. Have you ever considered selling your prints in an etsy shop or via your blog? There are some in this slideshow alone I would buy.

    1. Amanda, no I’ve never considered it I guess I didn’t think anyone would buy them. Thanks for the idea, I’ll have to think about it ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I love your fall decorations/display, it’s beautiful. I looks as though you are having funnnnnn!

    1. Ivory, fall is my favorite season and it’s beautiful right now.

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