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First Signs of Spring


Green Grass The First Signs of Spring, Timberland Boots

Come along with me today while I grab my camera and see what’s starting to surface from the cold winters earth. I do believe Iโ€™m finally seeing the first signs of spring here in my neck of the woods. Green grass for starters and itโ€™s just about high enough for me to fire up the lawn mower and get it trimmed.

Peonies Popping out of the Ground

This next picture is exciting to me the Peonies that are pushing their way through the soil are from Grama Reds garden. I have 6 pink plants and I purchased 3 yellow at the end of last season on clearance and I pray they bloom this year.

Hydrangeas Sprouting From the Earth, First Signs of Spring

Yippee my Hydrangea plants made it through the winter too. I donโ€™t think the cold seems to harm them but the deer chew them down as close to the ground as they can get them every year. So I beat them to it and trimmed them to the ground last fall.  Apparently they are hardier than I give them credit for because somehow they persist and make it through another winter just to show me they can.

Ground Cover Greening Up, First Signs of Spring

The ground cover has a special place in my heart as well. My Poppy brought me just a handful heโ€™d stuffed in his shirt pocket many years ago when I was a new homeowner. This stuff is the most amazing Sedum all I have to do is grab a wad, pull it up, and throw it back down where I want it to root and it does its thing. Oh and itโ€™s not invasive at all itโ€™s very easy to control with no runners taking over.

Snow on the Mountain Budding, Signs of Spring

And last my Snow On The Mountain bushes are covered with tiny buds. They always have a beautiful display of tiny white cascading flowers every spring. To bad they donโ€™t last all summer long but after the flowers fade the dainty green leaves remain and theyโ€™re pretty too.

Finally I think Spring is here to stay. Thanks for touring the yard with me today!

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  1. Excellent – thanks for the inspiration and your note about sedum. I’m admirer of your heart-felt and symbiotic relationship with your plants and elder family. Happy Easter and many blessings.

    1. Jan, if you’d like a handful of the ground cover sedum I have just send me over your address and I’ll get it in the mail to you ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. What a lovely idea! Presently I’m in an apartment and hope to buy a house this summer. I enjoy your blog so much as it offers a beautiful way to dream my home in place. Thanks for the offer!

      2. Excitement here – a landscape designer moved in here and would love to have the sedum to plant under the palm that she plans for the patio. If it’s convenient – Jan Reynolds, 3350 So. Clarkson St. No. 205, Englewood Colorado 80113 Many Thanks!

        1. Jan sure I’ll grab a mailer and get a batch too you for sure ๐Ÿ™‚

        2. Jan, I dropped the Sedum ground cover in the mail to you today ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. The package arrived – my gardening friend Lisa looked at the way you prepared the sedum and said, “Wow, she really knows what she is doing!” Shall I PayPal you a token of my thanks? Abundant Blessings, Drawn. Next Lisa wants access to your blog, so I’ll send her the link.

  2. Cheryl Major says:

    Beautiful Dawn! You take such wonderful pictures. I am so looking forward to spring. Happy Easter.

    1. Thank you Cheryl I’ll be working on our garden this week and building a few things to give the garden a little interest. I’m so happy to be outside working again.

  3. Even though we really had a winter this year, we had flowers blooming through the entire season. It must be fun to walk your property and see signs of life popping up everywhere.

    1. Carol it’s so nice to have warmer weather. I always look forward to Michigans season changes. I love them all but am also ready for the next one to arrive. I’ll mow the yard for the first time of the season tomorrow.

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