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Free Roadside Ladder and A Birdhouse Used As Garden Art

Birdhouse, Old Ladder, Garden Art

Wait stop the truck! Thereโ€™s nothing better than a load of free stuff parked at the end of someoneโ€™s driveway.ย 

Hubby and I hit up a few garage sales this weekend and while we were zig zagging across back country roads he sped by a hay wagon loaded with things and all I noticed was a big sign saying โ€œFREEโ€.

Birdhouse, Old Ladder, Garden Art

Well of course I had hubby hit the brakes and back up so I could take a look at what these free goodies were. As we approached I could see a bright red step ladder perched right in the middle of the wagon. Hubby put the truck in park and asked me what I wanted.ย 

Birdhouse, Old Ladder, Garden Art

TeeHee, I said the step ladder. He shouted back from the wagon saying it was broken. I said I know thatโ€™s the best part about it. I will find something to do with it that wont matter if itโ€™s broken or not. Come to find out it was broken but it had been screwed back together. So it was sorta fixed. It no longer closed but I didnโ€™t need it to close.

Birdhouse, Old Ladder, Garden Art

I put it in the chicken coop at first thinking maybe one of the birds would roost on it. That didnโ€™t happen so I came up with another idea for itโ€™s use. A piece of garden art!ย 

Birdhouse, Old Ladder, Garden Art

I had the barn birdhouse hanging on the side of the chicken coop up the raccoons kept tearing it down. Iโ€™ve had to fix the roof and put it back up several times. I decided it would look better atop my new/old ladder in the garden.

Birdhouse, Old Ladder, Garden Art

Two screws later and I had myself a new architectural piece in the veggie garden. Iโ€™m not sure if birds will use it or not but it sure is pretty to look at. Not a bad piece for free I must say!ย 

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  1. Carmen Montmarquet says:

    I would have picked that ladder up in a heartbeat, and so wonderful it is read! Great find! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Carmen,
      Yes it’s wonderful isn’t it. It look fantastic in the garden with all the fall foliage to match. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Cheryl D Foley says:

    SCORE! ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ AWESOME

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