Happy Birthday to Me, Yesterday

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Arm & Hammer™
Arm & Hammer™ photo logo3.jpgIn all the years I’ve been blogging this is the first time I’ve ever mentioned my birthday, as an adult it’s really no big deal right? No anticipation of gifts, and pretty paper packaging, just another year older. I got up and did the first thing I do every morning, give my teeth a brushing with my Arm & Hammer™ Truly Radiant™ Spinbrush Manual Toothbrush, Rejuvenating Toothpaste, and Rinse. Nothing like starting my day with a clean fresh tasting mouth.

Magazine Signing

It’s taken me till the ripe old age of 49 , I mean 29 to really figure myself out, and realize how important my health is with age and that’s not just eating right and exercising it’s also keeping a healthy radiant smile. I’ve always been picky about my teeth. I go to the dentist 4 times a year, 2 of those time I use the local dentistry program at the college to keep up with a healthy smile. I’m currently using the Arm & Hammer Rejuvenating Toothpaste that whitens to aid in that bright white smile that I love to see.

Arm&HammerI’d like to tell you about someone who’s dear to me. It’s the woman who gave birth to me 49 years ago. She’s a wonderful, caring mother, and she’s made me the woman I am today. She’s also a strong woman who’s a survivor of breast cancer. In honor of her survival I encourage you to share your radiant moments by using the hashtag TulyRadiantFinish across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram today. The brand will be donating $1 to City of Hope for each use of the hashtag. Every dollar can make a difference in the fight against cancer.  

Me and MomSo here’s to my Mom and Me for showing off our Truly Radiant Smiles  🙂 Also don’t forget to join in on the #TrulyRadiantFinish twitter party on Thursday, June 4th from 9-10 AM PST.

 This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Arm & Hammer™


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    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes Linda, have a wonderful day 🙂

  1. Shelly Barley says:

    Happy Birthday Dawn! You and your mom are both so beautiful!! And I LOVE your haircut! (I keep “threatening” to go short-just haven’t got the nerve yet).

    1. Shelly, My hair is long again down the middle of my back, it grows super fast and I’m wanting to go short again too. All I do with it when it’s long is put it up in a messy bun.

  2. crafty.grandma says:

    Happy belated to you !!! Hope you had a great day!! Even if you are no longer a you should enjoy the day, relax, go shopping, go to a spa, get a facial, do your nails but enjoy your day to the fullest – after all you only turn 29 once in your life!!! Big hug to your mom, you both look fantastic!!

    1. Thank you for noticing I’m 29 again, LOL. I’m going to have to up that number here soon, as my son is creeping closer to my age now.

      1. crafty.grandma says:

        Ssssshhhhh!!! Your son’s age is not important – my dad was 83 and told everyone he was 29!! Same here – my daughter turned 40 and my son will be lol – 34 no matter!!! LOL!! The kids threw us (hubby’s bday is day after mine – but he is 4 years older) a surprise 60 birthday party this year and my not-to-smart-niece who is 55 asked me how old I was !! I promptly said with the straightest face – 29!! LOL!! jokes on her!!

        1. I love your Dad, that’s too funny, love this story:)

  3. What a wonderful photo with those gorgeous smiles. I hope you enjoyed your birthday. Thanks for the tip on using the dental school for some of your visits. I’m 67 and never thought of that…lol. I want to keep ,y healthy smile too so I might give that a try for the added dental care.

    1. Hope, the dental school is so affordable. I pay $16 for one visit and they give you a full size toothpaste, dental floss, and a toothbrush. I figure I would pay that amount for those 3 products anyway so why not have my teeth cleaned for that too. They always have a waiting list but I schedule both my appointments at one time so I’m guaranteed as spot.

  4. Happy birthday. I love the picture of you with your mom. I hope your day was a good one no matter how you celebrated. As I follow your blog I find more and more the two of us have in common as my birthday is today, although I have 5 years on you, let’s see that makes me 34, right? We both live in log homes, love vintage and gardening too. I agree, it’s not a day about presents and things. I’m celebrating with my family. Pizza, cake and ice cream tonight, my 5 year granddaughter planned the menu and I couldn’t be happier. She’s so excited to come and wish Oma a happy birthday. That’s what makes my day.

    1. Becky, maybe we’re long lost sisters. Happy birthday to you too, have a wonderful day eating pizza and enjoying your granddaughter 🙂

  5. Well Happy Birthday yesterday!!! 29 is such a great age.. The picture of you and your mom is beautiful!…you two look fantastic…and I can see where you get your strength….you have such great mentors, your mom and Grandma Red.
    Hope you had a great birthday!

    1. Shirley I wish my body would realize Im 29, lol. Thanks for stopping in 🙂

  6. That’s so awesome, Dawn! You brought tears to my eyes. Yes, health (including oral health) is so vitally important!

  7. Kathleen G says:

    Now I know where you got your beautiful smile! Happy Birthday Dawn! Kathleen in Az

  8. You both have radiant smiles, for sure!
    Belated Happy B’Day, Dawn and many bessings to you.
    Where are you in the photo, Dawn, and what are you signing (autographing)?

    1. Thank you Kim 🙂 Im at Cornwells in Marshall Mi and I’m autographing the magazine our home was in.

  9. Nancy Blue Moon says:

    Happy Birthday Dawn..Those are two beautiful smiles!

  10. Dawn
    Happy belated birthday ! I was very confused with the pics I was seeing. I had to go back and make sure they were all you. The short hair you have in the pic with your mom is awesome. You look 29 with short hair. Sister you got it ! Are you pressured from your husband to keep it long ? I am.

    1. Karen, thank you for the birthday wishes. Yes my hair grows really fast. I have an aunt that says she never recognized me because of how fast my hair grows. I get tired of it, cut it off, and grow it back out again. That darn messy bun is just so easy. Hubby prefers it long but doesn’t care what I do with it.

  11. Dawn, I have seen many of your hairstyles since I’ve been following you, but I will have to say that you look fabulous in short hair. I had mine cut shorter about 2 months ago, and I’m still deciding if I like it or not! Both you and your mom have beautiful smiles, teeth, and sparkling eyes! I have never tried Arm & Hammer toothpaste but I will look for it. I have been using their detergent for many years and their cat litter, too! Might as well try the toothpaste!

    1. Jane, thank you for the kind words 🙂 Im loving the toothpaste, my teeth are very white anyway but I think this actually made them whiter. I like the detergent too and I wash my hair with Arm and Hammer baking soda.

    1. Thank you Kris, did you have a good Florida trip?

    1. Thank you Carol, she just arrived yesterday from Florida.

  12. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY. Love the hair cut. You look so different than in the blog pic. Hope your special day was awesome!!!!!

    1. Debbie, My hair grows super fast so it never looks the same twice. I think Im ready for short hair again.

  13. Happy Belated Birthday to you! I love your website! Your home is beautiful, your creative ideas, suggestions, etc. are wonderful! Enjoy your year of being “29”! -Jill from Maine 🙂

    1. Thank you Jill, what a sweet comment and I think I’ll be 29 forever, lol

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