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Farm Fresh Eggs Made With Love


Farm Fresh Egg, A Chicken That Lays Eggs With Hearts on Them

Down on the farm with one amazing chicken that has the ability to lay eggs that have a sweet little heart stamped out on the shell. Have you ever seen anything so delightful?

Not only is it beautiful to see, it has a very special meaning: Itโ€™s an egg that keeps hope alive and brings peace to two families.

Farm Fresh Egg, A Chicken That Lays Eggs With Hearts on Them

A little back history first: For those of you who donโ€™t know I grew up in a very small village of under 1,000 people and where Iโ€™m from everyone knows everyone. While I was growing up there was a young couple with 4 kids who lived across the street. Of course thatโ€™s back in the day when neighbors were actually neighborly. Any who my Mom and the neighbor lady Barb became best of friends and when I became a young teen I babysat those 4 adorable children on a regular basis.

Time moves on and I grew up and moved out on my own. I met my hubby, got married, and had a son. The only daughter Barb had was Erin and she became my sonโ€™s babysitter when hubby and I golfed.

Farm Fresh Egg, A Chicken That Lays Eggs With Hearts on Them

Since then Barb passed away to young as did my mom and Erin and I have stayed close. I do things with her boys and we fill a need in each otherโ€™s lives. We share a special bond when it comes to missing our mamas.

Erin and Barb always had a โ€œheartโ€ connection, and when Barb passed Erin always knew every time she saw a heart it was her mom reaching out to her and letting her know she was okay and that she loved Erin.

Farm Fresh Egg, A Chicken That Lays Eggs With Hearts on Them

Right after my mom passed I went to the ocean very late, I looked up into the dark of night sky and witnessed the clouds part and form a heart. I quickly snapped a photo and text it to Erin. She said it was her mom letting me know she had my mom with here and they were together again.

Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ve guessed by now I get my farm fresh eggs from Erin, and that beautiful heart on the egg is from her chicken. Pretty impressive right? I guarded that egg with my life for a week until I could get it back to Erin. She ended up poking a pinhole in the egg and blowing out its contents so she could keep it.

I hope this brings joy to your heart and life to your soul today, after all itโ€™s Valentines Day and we all need a little LOVE!



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  1. Cheryl Major says:

    What a beautiful story. God is good ! Have a wonderful week.

  2. Kathleen G says:

    A sign with hearts, a beautiful story of two families connected from years of friendship and love. I would keep the heart too:).
    Love this post Dawn, have a wonderful day,
    Kathleen in Az

    1. Kathleen, God is good and brings healing moments and memories in such sweet ways.

  3. What a beautiful story. I love it!

  4. Lovely story. Heart touching!โค๏ธ

  5. LauraHarrie says:

    Thank you Dawn for sharing this post. You have said your heart still hurts with the loss of your Mom, but I see Erin and you strengthening each other. God is good all the time!

    1. Laura thank you so much for stopping by and sharing a kind word with me. I need to hear these things from time to time to keep myself moving forward in my grieving process.

  6. I also love hearts. When we had our daughter and named her she had an I in her name that I have always dotted with a heart. She has used it as her signature and now she has two girls of her own with an I in their name and has continued on the Tradition of the hearts in the signatures.
    Have a blessed hearty day.

  7. What a beautiful story! I touched my heart. Thank you. Hugs,

  8. What a lovely reminder of our loved ones and sometimes God just lets these tokens of love happen for us to remember! I just saw a FB quote this week that says, ” Be the things you loved most about eh people who are gone.” –unknown We all need to let that one sink in for a while, not only for those who have passed, but also for those footprints we leave on their hearts when we’re gone. Have a a great weekend, Dawn!

    1. Aw what a sweet comment. It made me cry (in a good way)! {hugs}

  9. Truly amazing, and inspirational!

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