
JCPenney Slipcover Change for Winter

Denim JCPenney Slipcover Sofa

Swapping my slipcovers for a winter look has been on my to do list for quite some time. I actually wanted to get to it before Christmas but that never happened. I so love the idea of changing the look whenever the mood strikes, but I struggle so with the task. It’s not the funnest thing I have ever done, and physically it is very tasking. I have to pull and tug so hard that my hands hurt for 3 days after the change.


Butter Slipcovers from JCPenney

I was taking off the Butter slipcovers and replacing them with the Denim, for some reason the Denim always seems warm and cozy to me, sorda like a new pair of jeans. The sofa and two chairs are both from JCPenney, their Linden Street design series, which makes 3 pieces in all to swap out. It is worth it in the end, they look so clean and fresh and it tightens the cushions up again. It reminds me of slipping on freshly dried blue jeans, there tight until you do a couple deep knee bends. 


Denim JCPenney Sofa Slipcover

As I have mentioned in the past I store the slips dirty. I have tried washing them before storing them, but they fit so tightly I need the stretch they have while wet to get them on the cushions so what I do is get a dirty set out of storage, wash them, and apply to the cushions while wet.  I lucked out this year my youngest was just getting home from school so I had him help me stuff those huge down cushions into their appropriate slip. He didn’t think it was much fun either by the way. (Did you happen to notice Pirate Morgan Moon Scar peeking through the stair rail?)


JCPenney Denim Slipcovered Sofa

Believe it or not the larger the piece the easier it is to tug the slipcover on, I would have thought the chairs would be easier but that’s not true the sofa is the easiest piece. Now I need to give my hands a day or two to recuperate and give the sofa a day to dry and then I will move on to changing the chairs. I haven’t decided what color to go with yet, you will have to come back and see. 




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  1. Aww, bless your heart…your poor hands. I hope they are doing better today….and I luv, luv, luv the denim!! You are so right…they fit like a pair of comfy jeans & look just as awesome! And I see the cutie peeking through on the stairs…lol! Can’t wait to see what you chose to put on the chairs!!
    Have a great day!!

    1. Charlotte, I finished changing slips this morning so I will take a tylenol to help with the pain. That kitty is very old, 16 and my oldest son named her when he was 3. We did have to shorten that name to just Meow. LOL

  2. This is the way I think slip covers should look. I don’t like the slouchy, loose look. Yours look great and I love the denim for winter.

    1. Nancy, I agree a good slip should fit, and who wan’t to keep re-tucking and messing with them.

  3. What a job but totally worth it! I would love new slips for my IKEA furniture…I’ll have to add that to my wish list!

    1. Ann, Search Ebay for them you can normally get the new (someone purchased and never used them or returned them) for about 50% less.

    1. Susan, I tackled one chair yesterday and one this morning. I will take a tylenol and let them rest for a while.

  4. Nothing like a fresh pair of jeans! I really like that you have the versatility to change your slip covers. Crazy that they are made so tight though. Looking forward to seeing how it all looks, once your hands have had a rest.

    1. Elizabeth, I can’t believe how tight they are either. There have been time I want to give up trying to stretch them into place. I normally have bruises after getting it all accomplished.

  5. LOVE the denim slip for winter Dawn!! Do you wash your slips or have them dry cleaned? I’ve been looking at this sofa in JC Penny’s for my family room.

    1. Martina, I wash them they say to dry clean but I would have to much invested in them if I did that.

  6. The pop of colour does make it look more cozy for the winter months. We have had a bit of a January thaw this weekend, the ice is going down and finally the driveway is clear .. no more slipping and sliding as we get on and off of it.

    1. Linda we have had a thaw here to, it feels like spring today.

  7. I love your furniture both ways! How nice to be able to change the look of your furniture for the different seasons!

    1. Vickie that is a plus for sure and it keeps me from wanting new, when I can change the look.

  8. Annette Tracy says:

    I’ve had the white couch covers for about 6 years now and over time they have torn from the zippers as they were such a struggle to put on. I think I might be done w/slip covered furniture. I love the way your blue ones look! And I know what you mean about it hurting the hands, but oh so pretty when they get on!

    1. Annette, I have had mine for 5 years now and no zipper problems, and I do wash them in the machine, but I can see why all the tugging could have issues with the zipper ripping apart. I think they should use a velcro closure in the back instead.

  9. I have slipcovers on both our sofas and though they are different than yours, I dread washing them and putting them back on. Putting on the loveseat slip seems to involve gymnastics on my part. Putting all three seat cushions on one slip (on the sofa in the den) hurts my back! I understand!


    1. Claudia, If I didn’t have critters and boys getting them dirty I wouldn’t take on the challenge so often.

  10. What beautiful colors Dawn, my denim sofa is in the basement, just to big of a couch but I did love the blue. I haven’t washed my Extorp slipcovers yet, I do hope they are easy to put back on when I do.

    1. Rondell, I think the Ikea ones are much easier.

  11. Hi Dawn,
    I love the denim look. My white slip on my sectional is a heavy denim and I love them. I can wash them and put them on after being in the dryer. They do not tighten up and they come out softer with each wash like your favorite old jeans. So I say go with the denim. Looks really cute with your pillows and cabin decor. Love the kitty peeking through trying to see what you are doing!! Too cute.

    1. Kris, these are heavy denim too but there is no way I could dry them and ever get them on. Its like wrestling an elephant just to make the change.

  12. HI Dawn. I really like the blue slip covers but I’m sorry they are so hard on your tiny hands! Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Sheila ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Shelia so far my hands are good. Breaking it up into 3 different days is the trick I think.

  13. Amy Watson says:

    Hey Dawn, you got the furniture at Pennys? Did the extra slipcovers come with the couch or did you buy them somewhere else. They fit so perfectly, like they were made for the furniture……they look great.

    1. Amy, Yes I did and the slips are made for the furniture. You purchase the piece and then pick the slip you want. You can buy additional slips at any time.

      1. Elizabeth says:

        Is that still the case? I can’t seem to locate the, anywhere.

      2. Where did you get the extra slip covers?
        Is this for the JC Penny Friday Twill? I’m needing to replace and can not find them!

  14. I love it that you can change out the slipcoversโ€ฆthat is going to be a consideration on the next sofa purchase!..I love the denim Dawn…

    1. Shirley I think I will always buy this type from now on. I used to buy new furniture every 3 years and this works perfect I haven’t bought any in 5 years now.

  15. They say dry clean… I have been scared to wash them. I have a slipcovered sectional from Room & Board in my basement, and I wash them, but the frame is armless so it’s not so hard to get them back on, and I do use the dampness factor in my favor. THe cushions… that’s another story, the zippers only go bout 2/3 the length of the cushion, and the zippers scratch your hands.

    I have the Friday Sofa, 2 chairs and 2 ottomans in my living room and have had them dry cleaned, but this last time I opened up the sofa and I think they washed it due to the wrinkles.

    I have swapped them out before, but cant remember if its easier to start with the arms/front or the back? Any suggestions? I am thinking about putting them in my steam dryer to get them damp… I have 2 chairs and 2 ottoman to recover. My 18 year old son wrestled the sofa on, but it wasn’t pretty. (His cat left us a present on it, therefore he had to help restore it.

    I am putting on the natural now, btw. I have butter and stone velvet. Velvet is beautiful, but stone is discontinued.

    1. I start with the back always, and then move to the arms when putting them back on. I always put mine on wet, right out of the washer or I can’t get enough stretch out of them. I have never been able to find the velvet ones. I wish they would come out with a true red, and a gray. The reason I don’t dry clean mine is they want $300 in my area to do it, and I may as well buy new as to pay that price. I have been washing them for 6 years now and they hold up fine. I also have a huge washer, if I didn’t I don’t think I’d tackle it.

      1. OMG for sure. I paid $88 for 2 chairs and 2 ottomans, and then $35 for the sofa, but I think they washed the sofa not dry cleaned because of the wrinkles, and I just opened the packages of the chairs and ottoman and by gosh I one ottoman doesn’t even look like they did anything to it. MIght as well have washed it. Since reading this morning, the back cushion also had a yellowed area from someone’s head(!) because they were cleaned quite a while ago, and in plastic wrap… so I washed it with Oxiclean and method detergent and it looks great. Put it on kinda wet, ran it through the dryer for a little while on “less dry”. Its dry now. I also have front loader mammoth washer and dryer. 2 teenage boys and a big dog in this house!

        Thanks for your info. Removed my fear factor.

        NOW I need new cushions for my room and board sofa. Not the slipcovers the actual cushions. They look ok but o support under your butt. It’s almost 15 years old.

        My velvet came from ebay, but cant find it at penneys at all now.

        1. Julia, I normally purchase the slips from Ebay too, I figure for the price I’m not afraid to wash them. I always put mine away dirty, and wash them when Im ready to put them on again. It seems silly to wash them and put them away just to have to get them wet again to put them back on. I also have hubby 2 boys, and a German Shepard. I definitely need to wash rather than dry clean. I’m going to take my rust colored ones off this week and swap them for the natural.

  16. Bonnie Bradley says:

    The comment here are about two years old, but does anyone know at this time where I can purchase Linden Street slipcovers? I thought I would get new ones when I needed them, but JC Penney doesn’t sell them anymore.

    1. Hi Bonnie, they do still sell them they are called Friday Twill Slipcovers now: Here’s’ the link

  17. Elissa Hargrove says:

    Hi! I have this couch and I love that you can change the slipcovers. Im hoping you can answer this question…how tall are the feet on this couch? I cant find it anywhere and I desperately need to buy feet! Thanks!

  18. My Linden Street couch’s “feet” are just at three inches.

  19. Love the denim look! Where did you purchase the denim slipcovers?

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