Miracles Do Happen

I’ve made mention that our family had a rough end to 2015 and after much thought I decided today was the day to share with you our own personal MIRACLE.

I’m sure you’ve heard me mention in other posts that hubby and I have one biological son and we also took in one of my son’s friends after his mother had passed several years ago.


Well on November 11, 2015 at 6:00 pm I received a call from my brother that our youngest had been in a truck accident in front of his brother in law’s house. He told me the authorities had been called and I wasn’t to go to the scene because things were pretty gruesome.

Our oldest in on the fire department and happened to get the call so he was one of the first on the scene to find his brother unresponsive in the back seat of the truck covered in motor oil and blood.

It took the Jaws of Life to get him out of the truck and a chopper was on its way to fly him to the hospital. There was some holdup with the chopper so my oldest made the decision to have him transported by ambulance in an attempt to get him help as quickly as possible.

I phoned my hubby who was on his way to Kentucky for a hunting trip to let him know what had happened. There’s no phone service at the hunting lodge so he told me he’d turn back and be home in about 10 hours. I told him to hold up in a hotel until I had more information. I so hated for him to miss his trip. He works hard and seldom gets a chance to do something he enjoys. So he sat tight and waited for my calls.

I was in no condition to drive so I had a friend get me to the hospital and my oldest the firefighter was already with him. Finally a doctor came out and said I could go in to see him. He had a head injury, was very bloody, and crudely bandaged. I knew they were fighting to keep him alive at this point. At midnight the tests and surgery started. He had a large gash on one arm, and severe shear brain damage. Somehow he escaped any internal injuries or broken bones.

We were told if he made it through the night we could expect him to be in a coma for months. He was placed on a ventilator and at this point I called my hubby and told him to resume on with his trip. There was nothing he could do and it looked like it was going to be a long haul from here on out.

Old Structure

Miracle number 1: He made it through the night, and somehow most of the brain swelling was gone. Yet tests were showing the brain activity wasn’t good. So we prayed more than you can know and had every church and family member from one coast to the next in prayer.

Miracle number 2: After just a few days in a coma, he woke up. Granted things weren’t right yet but his brain activity was getting better every day, he was moving, and follows commands like wiggle your toes and squeeze my hand. A trach and feeding tube procedure was performed, which he didn’t like and kept trying to pull out but we felt like things were moving forward.

This is the point where the doctor tells you all the lasting effects form a shear brain injury. His brain was damaged in the frontal lobe portion, which could result in personality changes, possible violent outbreaks, and no filter when it comes to what he says. We listened and prepared ourselves.

Miracle number 3: Within two weeks he was up walking, talking, eating, and we weren’t seeing any of the personality changes that could have occurred. He did need several hours a day of sleep so his brain could rest. Just a small walk with the therapist to the hall was an exhausting task. And two weeks of being in a bed and eating from a feeding tube he had lost 40 pounds which much of was muscle.

Next step he was moved into Mary Free Bed for long term in house therapy. After just a few short weeks they couldn’t believe the remarkable recovery he was making and decided to have him sent to another living facility for therapy that is more like a home environment and only concentrates on brain injuries.

At this point we are noticing his fine motor skills aren’t quite up to par yet and he still needs a lot of sleep but nothing else has seemed to change in him. After 3 days he was released to go home with continued daily therapy, which I take him too.

It looks like the therapy will last the rest of this month and he will be released to go back to work and resume his normal life.

Chair on Dock

Miracle number 4: Neither Doctors nor therapists can give us any answers as to why he ever made it through that first night and why he was spared any effects from the brain damage. All they can say is it’s a MIRACLE and God has a purpose for that boy here on earth still.


You don’t know how many nights I stayed awake thinking of how this could have turned out, but by the GRACE OF GOD he was spared and is whole.

Thanks for listening today and make sure you tell the ones you love how much you love them today, because it can all be gone with one stupid move. And by stupid I mean he was totally at fault in the accident by driving to fast and he knows it. Thankfully no other cars were involved. I guess sometimes it takes something major for a kid to grow up and be responsible. Tough lesson learned here, that’s for sure.


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    1. Diana thank you so much the power of prayer is amazing.

  1. Chris Wadzinski says:

    God blessed your son and family. Your story touched my heart. Life is full of possibilities…. I wish you all the best

    1. Thank you Chris it was a tough road but were on the uphill climb now.

  2. Wow, Dawn I didn’t know any of this was even going on. Thank God and the miracle of life!

    1. Kim I didn’t share it with anyone until now, we weren’t’ sure how it would all turn out.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing. This truly is a miracle. Things can happen so quickly that change our life forever. We shouldn’t ever take anything for granted but we all do. I am so happy for you that things turned out the way they did – this could have ended so differently. Blessings for the new year.

    1. Karen you are so right in everything you said. We are looking forward to a much better 2016 that’s for sure.

  4. Oh my goodness Dawn, such a lot to go through. I am so glad your son has recovered and can go on with his life. Certainly a tough lesson learned the hard way. May the strength of your family continue to help him heal.

    1. Linda thank you so much things are much better now. I’m getting sleep and not so worried about what every day will bring finally.

  5. Thanks for sharing. Glad he has so many miracles.

    1. Me too Chris and thank you for stopping in.

  6. Thanks to God for this miracle! Thanks for sharing, I think too often we never hear about the miracles, so happy that things are going good!

    1. Debbie it is an amazing miracle and we are very blessed to have had it turn out so well.

  7. Dawn…..this is truly a story of a great miracle. You are so right when you say to tell the ones you love how much you love them as there are no guarantees in life. It is evident that your son truly has a mission in life that God wants him to accomplish…and also must say that he is blessed with the most caring parents to see him through this. I pray for his full recovery. I cannot imagine how awful it was for you and your family to go through this. It was by the support of friends and family and your faith,
    that times like this gets you through it.

    1. Thank you so much for all your kind words and friendship Shirley those of you who knew helped me get through it all.

  8. Lorene Holbrook says:

    Oh dawn, I appreciate your blog today. I know miracles happen all around us everyday. Just before thanksgiving last year, our daughter in law and 4 grands were coming home on the freeway. A semi on the other side of the freeway blew a tire, lost control, and crossed over to the other side of the freeway and hit our family head on. Going 80 miles an hour! We lost our 7 year old granddaughter. The other grands only had bruises and scratches. Elena had a very severe injury to her ankle. We have 4 miracles in the fact they should have all died. It amazes me, humbles me, and makes me so grateful for these miracles. I know our Heavenly Father watches out for each of us. Our hearts hurt for our loss of maddy. But we are so grateful for all the many blessing we have been given. Your dr is right, there must be a reason your son and our family was spared. We have been shown so many tender mercies and many miracles. I am truly grateful. Thank you for your beautifully written words today. Hugs…

    1. Lorene aw I am crying reading your message and so sorry for your loss. It must be so hard to grieve one death but be elated by the survivors. Life sure is so hard to understand sometimes. I know God is in control in all things but I never really felt that power until now. Blessing and Hugs for you:)

  9. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. says:

    So happy to hear that your son is doing well Dawn. What a frightening experience. There is a line from a song that I think about all the time … “we are all just one phone call from our knees” … and it is so true. A reminder that we must appreciate each and every day. Wishing you all good things in the new year!

    1. Sharon what a great line and so true I will have to remember it.

  10. What a remarkable story!!! I can just imagine what all your family went through. Yet you did it with such grace. I’m praying that you have a great new year.

    1. Sheryl thank you for the continued prayers. I do hope 2016 is much better than 2015

  11. Dawn, so thankful that your sons recovery is going so well. It proves what the power of prayer can do. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2016.

    1. Becky prayer is truly amazing and I didn’t realize how amazing it was until now.

  12. Oh Dawn, that is so scary. I am so happy that you have had a miracle. I Prayers for how continuing recovery. xo Laura

    1. Laura thank you for the extra prayers they are always welcome!

  13. thank God he’s getting better and thank you for sharing your story with all of us. hope things just keep getting better. you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Michele he is getting better every day and will soon resume his normal life, thank you for the extended prayers.

  14. Oh, Dawn, I am so sorry your family has gone through this experience. But, what a wonderful outcome. Yes, miracles do happen!

    1. Carol we couldn’t asked for a better way for it to turn out but I do truly know it was a miracle indeed.

  15. Oh Dawn my heart breaks for the pain you and your family have endured. Those miracles are truly Gods work! I am so happy that he blessed your son and your entire family with those gifts. Yall are in my heart, on my mind and in my prayers.

    1. Cheri thank you so much for the extra prayers, I know those are what are working the miracles in our lives.

  16. May GO D continue to shower blessings and miracles on you and your family ❤️

  17. Praise be to God Dawn! Wow, what a horrible event to go through for him and as a mother. I can’t even begin to imagine. What an AWESOME God we serve who gets all the glory! I pray for continued healing for your boy! WIth love, -Bev

    1. Bev yes God is awesome and we are so thankful for Cody’s outcome. Thank you for continued prayers.

  18. Dawn, We have had a few of those heart-stopping phone calls, but never THAT serious. Our heart goes out to you. Ours never had serious brain injuries. Praying God will continue to watch over his life and reveal His purpose for his life!

    1. Linda I had one of those calls when my oldest rolled his truck. You are right your heart stops. Boys are such daredevils at times I wonder how I ever will survive it.

  19. Cheryl Major says:

    Oh Dawn, I am so sorry for what your family has been through. Miracles indeed do happen.
    My husband and I are foster parents. We had received twin boys that were 8 weeks old. Sadly they had suffered head trauma from their birth parents. The one suffered sever brain damage. We were told by doctors that he most likely would not walk or talk. Well we witness first hand the miracles of God. We adopted the boys. The one boy who suffered the brain damage does indeed walk and talk. The twins are now 11 and we are blessed every day by the joy that they bring us. Thank you for sharing your story.

    1. Cheryl that’s an amazing testament to how good God is and how blessed your twins are to have you and your hubby!

  20. That truly was a miracle, Dawn. I’m so sorry that you all had to go thru this. My prayers are with you all as your son continues his therapy. xo

    1. Thank you Susan we all seem to be healing and moving forward now.

  21. anita roth says:

    Thanking God for seeing your son through this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anita, Amen to that and thank you for stopping by.

  22. Dawn,
    Thanks so much for sharing from your mother’s heart. That had to been such a difficult time in your lives and I pray that each day will see even more miracles for your family. “When you think you’re drowning in life’s situations, don’t worry your Lifeguard still walks on water.” Take care!

  23. God is so good! So glad your son is doing as good as he is. I truly believe miracles happen every day and we should be so eager to stop and thank the Lord for all the goodness He bestows on us and those around us. Will continue praying for his complete recovery and you and all of your family. I know that must have been terrifying.

    Blessings –


    1. Aw thank you so much Judy for the kind words and continued prayers 🙂 Hugs

  24. Oh my….I was dreading the end of your story as I was sure it did not turn out good for all of you, but it did!!! It is a miracle!! Prayers and positive thoughts are pretty strong for us at times and I am so happy that your family is doing well.

    1. Jeanie yes it did turn out well and we are very blessed. It’s amazing how fast his recovery has been and we are thankful every day for the outcome.

  25. A Christmas miracle, for sure. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

    1. Deb that’s what we were calling it too. Thank you for the well wishes.

  26. Kathleen G says:

    Oh Dawn! Thank the Lord with prayers for your son. Miracles do happen. I hope your son will continue to recover. Hugs, Kathleen in Az

    1. Kathleen every day he is so much better. I think things will return to normal soon.

    1. Jane yes he was and we are very thankful 🙂 Thank you for your listening ear through this all!

  27. Lynda Burke says:

    Dear Dawn,
    I have been a longtime reader and have never commented on your lovely blog.
    Your posts are a daily source of joy, inspiration and heartwarming cheer.
    I was astonished to read this post about your precious son and amazed at the SHEER number
    of miraculous interventions that have brought you to this day of thanksgiving and sharing.
    We have a God who hears the cries of all of us and especially I think, a mama calling out to Him
    in the night. I will pray that your son moves from strength to strength and that peace frames his recovery, along with peace
    for you as your heart goes back in place after such a storm.
    Not only are your pictures charming and bespeak of your warmth, and your creations darling, but what I think says the most
    is the way you comment back to every person. I hope it doesn’t put to much pressure on you. But it is such a kindness!!!
    Traveling with you,
    Lynda Burke

    1. Lynda aw what a kind and heartwarming comment. Thank you so much for being a loyal reader, I’m so glad you left a comment this time. I love interacting with my readers and getting to know them. So many are life family to me. Have a blessed day and stop in again 🙂

  28. Prayers for continued recovery and for the family.

    1. Thank you Debi every day it’s getting better.

  29. Melissa Richardson says:

    Thank you for sharing this. I know it came straight from your heart.
    I am rejoicing in the “miracles” that I also believe came from God.
    He is so faithful to us, and abounds in mercy.
    Please keep us posted on this young man’s continued recovery.
    I will be adding you, and your family, to my prayer list, as well.
    Keep looking up!

    1. Melissa yes I had tears running down my face while writing it all. Thank you so much for adding us to your prayer list 🙂

  30. Dawn,
    Thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry! Prayers for you and your family to have continued strength and good news! Prayers for your son to keep fighting for his recovery! You probably taught him how to persevere and stay faithful so you should be so proud!

    1. Anne he is doing fantastic and we are all so thankful 🙂

  31. Oh my goodness Dawn and you were able to blog during this? Well we are the stronger sex! Hope your son is improving
    and getting stronger every day. Take care and don’t pressure yourself in to doing more! Take care.

    1. Debbie luckily I stack my blog about a month in advance so that helped but if you noticed I did very little Christmas decorating this year. Just couldn’t find the time or energy. Thank you for stopping in 🙂

  32. Dawn
    I haven’t been blog reading lately, but I’m so glad I found yours today.
    First, I am so sorry to hear all that your family has been through, but praising God for the outcome!
    My nephew died from a similar brain injury. So is truly a miracle your son is alive.
    I will pray for his continued recovery and a complete restoration of his mind and body.
    {hugs} Kim

    1. Kim thank you so much so far everything’s going well and he is back to his old self. Doc’s said age was a huge factor in his recovery and it was on our side. Thank you for the continued prayers!

  33. Dawn-

    Your oldest son experienced something no rescue personnel wants to experience; being called to an accident of a loved one. Kudos to him for being able to make the call to get him to the hospital as soon as possible and not waiting for the helicopter. As a wife of a fire fighter I say make sure he talks to someone if he needs to, for he too was traumatized.

    Praise God for the miracles experienced by your youngest. So glad to hear that he will be ok.

    1. Brandi thank you so much for the advice 🙂 I will be keeping an eye out for sure.

  34. Thank god your son survived and is well. God bless!

    1. Renee thank you so much for stopping in he is doing better every day and will soon be done with therapy!

  35. Dawn…your family is very special for adopting your Son and providing him with love and a better life. It is a miracle and thank God he has continued to get better!!

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