
Nap Time in the Country

Do you ever need that perfect place to relax, read a book, or take a nap??
 You can create your own special space with things you have around the house.
Find that perfect shady spot in your yard or field and unfold a camping cot.
Add layers of your favorite quilts and pillows.
An upturned apple crate can be used as your side table.
Maybe even a small jar of wildflowers to add that special touch.
Then curl up and enjoy your alone time:)
Nothing relaxes me more than listening to the quite hum of nature.

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  1. Looks perfect to me Dawn, I would love to spend a little nap time there.

  2. Oh- To have a spot like that , Dawn. The closest we come is when the wind is kind of high and the waves are crashing against the rocks down by the lake. It totally relaxes me- xo Diana

  3. How charming Dawn. I have been wanting a couple of camp cots forever. Now I have a new use for one!!!! Love this!

  4. Oh how pretty Dawn. I could seriously rest there. Did you resolve my feed coming through…I hope so. Seems every week there is a new blogland issue. Oh well, they always work out. Have a great weekend.

  5. Beautiful! Looks so peaceful…and I think the sounds of nature are healing. Thanks for sharing.


  6. Dawn, I am feeiing wonderfully lazy as I read your delightful post! What a lovely spot for a daydream! Simple, beautiful and so country chic!

  7. OOOOHHHH! I want to go there right now. I may never return to reality if I do! Thank you for linking this up to Rustic Restorations Weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Lovely! We need to create a place like this for nap time on our homestead soon!

  9. Looks so relaxing and like the perfect place to curl up with a sweet tea or coffee and a book!

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