drives me CRAZY.
I love everyone’s comments and would like to respond to questions asked and just get to know you in general.
I have met so many wonderful people in blog land and would like the opportunity to continue to make new friends.
This can not happen if your profile doesn’t have an email address visible.
Here is how you correct the problem….
  1. Click on the Dashboard link in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
  2. Click on Edit Profile, which is on the left hand side of the screen next to your picture.
  3. This will take you to the Edit User Profile screen.
  4. Look in the Privacy section.
  5. Check the box that says, “Show my email address“.
  6. In the Identity section, enter in an email address.
  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on Save Profile.
 There, I will now be able to respond to your comments.
This feature is also needed to enter my GIVEAWAYS.
Please check your profile and make these corrections if need be.

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One Comment

  1. Oh my goodness, that bed vignette is adorable! If that’s your guest room, you probably have problems with guests over-staying their welcome. It’s just perfect for your home.

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