One Year Miracle Anniversary
If you’re squeamish about seeing blood you may want to turn away. Tomorrow will be the 1 year anniversary of my youngest sons accident. If you didn’t read the post I wrote then you can do so here. I’ll give you a quick update….our son Cody came into our lives at the age of 14. His mom had passed away, he was living a life that no 14 year old should be living, and needed a family. He was friends with our oldest son and to make a long story short, as a family we chose to adopt Cody and give him the best life we could for the time we had with him.
On November 11, 2015 I got that horrible call that he was in an accident, was rushed to the hospital where we were told he probably wouldn’t make it through the night, and if he did he would be in a coma for months if not longer. It was heart wrenching to walk into that ER room knowing it would probably be the last time our family would see him again. What a night, I prayed for God to work a miracle, spare his life, and bring back a whole boy who deserved so much more in life than he had been given so far.
Well that miracle happened he survived the night, he was in a coma, and had severe brain damage, but he was still hanging on. Wow this opened up a whole new can of worms. Not only did it look like he would live but we were also facing a horrible outcome. The part of the brain that was affected meant he would have personality changes, could be violent and would also be prone to drug and alcohol abuse because of the type of brain injury, or may never come out of the coma at all.
So once again we had a family meeting on how to cope and deal with it all. The doctors told us to pace ourselves with how much time we spent at the hospital, they said we would become burned out very quickly. So we sat down and created a schedule with family and friends so someone was with him around the clock.
Less than two weeks into the coma God worked another miracle and Cody started to wake up. We were amazed and so thankful, by now he had lost almost 40 pound. (He’s a 6’4″ boy that weighed 250 pounds and they just couldn’t put enough calories through his feeding tube to keep him at his normal weight). We were also scared at what type of a kid we were getting back. The normal Cody was a happy go lucky kid and nothing ever bothered him. He just went with the flow and lived life in the fun, fast lane.
As the days went by he became more alert and I could tell by the way his eyes were tracking he was reading the nurses chart posted on the wall: that was a good sign. He started doing hand signals and trying to communicate. I definitely knew things weren’t right but we would deal with whatever God had in store for him. I had prepared myself, knowing I wouldn’t be taking the same boy home that I was given a few years prior.
Within a few short weeks Cody was back up walking with help, starting to talk (once they took the ventilator out) and wanting to eat real food. His words and thoughts didn’t make sense most of the time but we started to learn what he needed and wanted and continued to move forward and make progress.
On December 18th just over 30 days since the accident, we took Cody home for Christmas. He had been discharged from the hospital but would have to return to a live in rehab at a brain clinic. He was very unsteady on his feet, but his thought pattern was becoming more like himself every day and I was very hopeful he would progress to the point of being able to take care of himself one day. Every day I took him to exercise in small doses so he could become stronger and get his core strength back, we played brain games at home, and he slept like a baby for big portions of his day. Sleep would be a big part of his recovery, as well as, a quiet setting and a routine. Everything we could give him at home.
It broke my heart the day I had to take him back to rehab, all he wanted was to be at home but I knew we had a short window of opportunity to retrain his brain and I wanted him to have every chance of the best recovery he could have. So as I tried to stay strong I returned him to the brain clinic. He was remarkable and regained everyting he had lost in record time.
The doctors and specialists had no medical reason why he was recovering so quickly, and why no one could see any changes in him. When they spoke of him they called him the miracle child. It is unheard of for someone to have the type of brain injury he had and every recover from it. I do notice he is quieter than he used to be, but I’ll take it. His life and ours could have been such a challenge but God worked his magic and gave my boy his life back. The only lasting effect he had from the accident is a horrible scar on his head and he now has to wear glasses.
God is good!
And here he is today, back to work, driving again, and living his life as if nothing ever happened. I’m so grateful for the way things turned out, I’m grateful my husband was willing to walk this journey with me that could have affected our whole way of life forever, and I’m grateful for my oldest son Dustin, the fireman on duty that was on the scene of his brothers accident, who was willing to care for Cody after my hubby and I passed if he was unable to care for himself. I can’t believe we lived this horror just one year ago, and I can’t believe how many miracles God granted our family. Life is good! My boys are amazing! and my Hubby is unlike any other, with such a giving heart!
Don’t take anything for granted, make sure you tell and show those around you how much they are loved. Life truly can be cut short at any moment.
I remember the post about your sons accident. Sometimes our body recovers from a severe trauma, a divine intervention? Cody was meant to live and I just want to hug all of you. Yes, anything can happen in an instant, let your loved ones know that you love them.
Have a Blessed day, Kathleen in Az
Kathleen thank you for remembering. I can’t believe how well he’s doing. Life is strange, we’d prepared for the worse and got the best.
Beautiful story of God’s miracles. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for stopping Sue, it’s such a blessing to our family with how it all turned out.
Truly a miracle, Dawn. So glad all is well for Cody and you all. Have a blessed holiday season!!!! ๐ -Jill
Jill, thank you so much for stopping in and taking the time to comment. Have a wonderful Christmas seaon too!
A miracle indeed! So glad your family can celebrate this mile stone with everyone strong and healthy.
Becky thank you ๐ We are thankful every day for the miracle we were given.
Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing. Your family’s faith and love are the reason his recovery was so remarkable. Your story is a testament to the healing powers of both.
Amanda, this darn kid has been through so much I just couldn’t bear another blow for him. I’m so grateful it all turned out so well.
I am so glad God worked his miracles on him and your beautiful family. We are so lucky to have God on our
side taking care of us. Amen
Pauline we had so many people praying for him, from one side of the US to the other. Prayer is so powerful and we witnessed it all.
ohhhh tears!!! Dawn you are a true testament of what love and faith can do. This should be a movie. I know your family will have a true Thanksgiving.Thankyou for sharing ..hardcto write..keep tearing up..God Bless and big ((hug))
Melissa I had the tears flowing writing this post again too. Cody has said many times his life is like the movie “The Blind Side”, he was also destined to be a football pro, but that all came to a halt sadly.
What a beautiful post and reminder that Heavenly Father is still in the miracle business! I am thankful that He has healed Cody and allowed him more time on this earth. What a beautiful story of life!
Have a blessed day. ๐
Suzanne, love that statement “still in the miracle business” yes he is and we know for sure He is the one who saved Cody, no one else could have done this.
Thank you. ๐ So many people think that miracles are a thing of the past, of the Old Testament. I can’t figure out what Bible they are reading to get that impression. Mine says He is the same yesterday, today, and always.
John 10:30 “I and my Father are one.”
Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”
Malachi 3:6 “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”
To me, this means that miracles happened then; they happen now; and they will happen in the future.
Isn’t that great? ๐
Have a blessed weekend!
What a wonderful example of God’s miracles. I remember reading that post. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Cheryl I can’t believe it’s only been a year and he’s doing so great. I think God has plans for him and it wasn’t his time to go.
How wonderful that God put His healing hand on Cody. It is truly miraculous. Dawn, I know you’ve been blessed to have him as a part of your family. I’m touched by the love that your family has shown to him.
Aw, thank you so much Jen that means a lot to me. I wouldn’t change a thing and we’d do it all over again. I’m just thankful he is healed and doing so great.
You and your family has been blessed. Your son was gifted with his life again. Continued blessings for you and your family, Roberta at Whispers from the Past upstate New York USA.
Roberta thank you for taking the time to comment today. I love what you have to say and yes we are so blessed to have more time on earth with him.
This life story is so inspirational. Dawn, thank you for sharing. Just happy my kleenex box was near me.
Cheryl I needed the kleenex to get through writing it too.
Sending hugs! ?
Thank you Cheryl ๐
So great to read about Cody’s miraculous recovery! I am so happy for him and all of you! What a testament to the strength and faith of your family.
Jane he is doing great, he’s not completely the same boy (man) but it could have been a horrible outcome.
Dawn this is truly a miracle and such a blessing for all of you. I remember the accident and how horrible and tragic his fate was expected to be. So happy the power of prayer and God’s mercy helped Cody and all of you.
This is truly a heart warming story about how life can be sooooo fragile. Good to read the good news.
Hugs and Happy Friday.
Kris, there’s so much bad in this world when something good happens I think people need to know God is in control and we need to turn to him as individuals and as a country more than we do. I know Cody’s recover was a miracle from God, the doctors didn’t have hope he would even survive.
Our payers will ways be wit you nd your family, thank for sharing.
Thank you Pauline ๐
Praise the Lord! What an amazing story of his love and sovereignty!
Chris, yes Praise the Lord we are so blessed for him to work a miracle in our lives.
Dawn, your story has brought tears to my eyes. It’s one thing to hear of the accident, but when you read the details it makes you realize how much you’re family has been through. I Praise God for Cody’s miraculous recovery. It’s uplifting to read about a family that’s so dedicated to one another.
Blessings to you all-Kim
What a most horrific ordeal your family has gone through….and you experienced first hand the miracle that occurred…so happy that Cody has recovered well. Wow…does not seem like it has been a year.
Shirley I’m so glad it all turned out like it did. He’s doing wonderful now and I think it’s opened his eyes about how fast it can all end.
Aint no thang but a chicken wing. I come back quite often to read these two stories โค๏ธ
Aw, love you my boy:)