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  1. Dawn,
    These are some really cute and bright cheery kitchens. Love them all. I am addicted to pinterest too but ohhh so much fun!!! I like that first kitchen with the skirted cabinets I am thinking of doing that to my cabinets under my kitchen sink. Lot’s of inspiration.

  2. love the sweet little pastel kitchens, not sure with the hustle bustle of todays homes they would fare very well, but they sure look comfy to have a cup of coffee and read the paper…ah…maybe a danish too

  3. I hear ya about the Pinterest guilt. LOL I love gold mining on there-as in getting off my newsfeed and looking for boards that have all my favorite things 🙂 I really like the picture above with the blue cupboards-so pretty and relaxing to look at.

  4. Oh I love them all!! What is it about decor photos that attracts us so? Seriously, I could look at home decor photos all day. You chose a bunch of pretty pastel kitchens, that’s for sure.

  5. I will be honest, I had never thought of a pastel kitchen, BUT after seeing these kitchens I am “smitten” or just plain in Love with them! I could really see myself cooking many a meal in the first kitchen 🙂
    I love pinterest too..

    take care,

  6. These pastel and white kitchens are beautiful. That is a color scheme I woud never think of-yet I love them all! I think I am the last person on the planet that has yet to pin on pinterest!

  7. I’m leaning to lighter colours and the pastels are certainly cheery!

  8. Pinterest is waaaay to addictive. Those kitchens are all so pretty, love the pink appliances.

  9. Those kitchens are gorgeous, I love the vintage feel of each of them. Cindy

  10. Beautiful kitchens! Pastels would be great accents to all white kitchens. I’ll definitely keep these in mind! They are so striking.

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