Quick and Easy Way to Clean the Pantry

How is it that a panty can get out of control in a matter of months?
I am in need of cleaning and tiding up mine, but I thought it sounded funner to make a curtain for the glass portion of the door and hide the mess.
I spent one whole day out shopping for the perfect curtain, and came home with nothing.
 I dug around in my fabric selection and found a scrap of red and white gingham.  I figured it would do for now, or at least until the perfect curtain could be found.
 I had a good laugh thinking about all the time I spent searching for a curtain, and the time I had making one I could have cleaned the pantry.
My was was so much funner though.
Do any of you find a great way to procrastinate about things???

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  1. When I read your title my though was, “close the door”, but you are right, putting a curtain on the door works too, lol

  2. My oven. It really needs cleaning inside but I hate the strong smelling stuff and can’t use it so it takes such a lot of scrubbing.

  3. I don’t know why your still looking for the perfect curtain! I think you have found it. I love the gingham with the wood. Your such a smart lady 🙂

  4. Looks great with the gingham. I hate straightening up the plastic container cabinet. It frequently winds up like Fibber McGees closet!

  5. You have no idea the lengths I will go too Dawn. I picked up a single panel of red and white toile at an antique mall in Coloma….would that work for you!.

  6. Oh I agree…it’s so much easier to just shut a door than to organize what’s behind it! I followed you on Linky Followers too. I don’t have my gadget up yet but hope to do it sometime over the weekend. Have a good one!

  7. Now THAT is funny! I’ll have you know that I just cleaned my pantry last week and it is already a tad messed up! xo Diana

  8. Cute. And no one will ever know what lurks within…..


  9. Ha! This quite funny! Sometimes I do the same thing…head in one direction, and end up in another!

  10. Oh, I can find MANY ways to procrastinate! LOL Love the gingham in the door–and what pretty tulips and plates.

  11. The older I get, the easier it is for me to get distracted and off on a wild goose chase. I would rather sew cute curtains than organize a cupboard too. Your little curtains are perfect. I’m following you via Linky Followers and I hope you’ll follow back. Also, please take a minute and visit Cottage and Creek and enter my first ever Choose Joy Giveaway: http://www.cottageandcreek.com/Blog-Archive.aspx?id=2536. Drawing will be held on Valentine’s Day. Have a great rest of the weekend 🙂
    Email: Lynn@nsytes.com

  12. I’ll have you know that I just cleaned my pantry last week and it is already a tad messed up! xo Diana

  13. Procrastination can be a good thing Dawn, because in the end you find a better fit:)! Or perhaps the project turns out better than it would have the first time.

  14. LOL…I must say I didn’t look at the title of this post when I started reading, it and wondered what in the world you were talking about with a “panty” getting out of control. Then I went back up and reread the title and realized it was misspelled. Too funny…
    Anyway love the pics! I’m so in love with the yellow bird plates.

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