
Simple Homemade Creamy Tomato Soup

Simple Creamy Tomato Soup | In under 20 minutes you can have delicious homemade soup ready to server on a cold winters day with items from your pantry We’ve been having chilly days here and even colder nights in Michigan, parts have even seen frost, and it puts me in the mood for my homemade creamy tomato soup. I’ve tried several recipes over the years but I have one secret ingredient that I feel makes this the best thick, and creamy soup recipe you’ll find and here’s a bonus it’s super easy to make. You can use fresh tomatoes or canned and both ways is delicious. I happen to have fresh in my garden right now so I’m going to use them. I even freeze the base to this recipe and pull it out of the freezer when snow flies and pretend it’s late summer and tomato season. 

We have a local pub Schuler’s and they make a fresh tomato basil soup that’s the best I’ve ever had and this recipe is as close to that as I can come. I actually crave their tomato soup even when the weather’s not cold. Since they’re not giving out their secret recipe I had to invent my own and we had it for dinner last night along with a grilled cheese sandwich made from 3 cheeses. Yummy! and comforting. 

Creamy Tomato Soup
Yields 4
Simple and Easy to Make Tomato Soup Recipe
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
20 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
20 min
  1. 1 medium to large diced sweet onion
  2. 3 tsp olive oil
  3. 28 oz can crushed tomatoes or garden fresh
  4. 2 tsp basil
  5. 1 tsp sugar
  6. 8 oz cream cheese
  7. 1/2 C heavy cream
  8. salt and pepper to taste
  9. Asiago cheese for garnish
  1. In a stock pot saute onions till tender in olive oil. Add tomatoes, basil, sugar, salt and pepper. Heat through on low. With a stick blender puree any tomato chunks (if using fresh) and onion. Add cream cheese to the pot, heat until melted and puree again. Add heavy cream and whisk. Remove from heat. Add shredded Asiago cheese to top as garnish. Serve
  1. You can add 1 cup chicken broth if you like a thinner soup consistency.
CREATIVE CAIN CABIN https://creativecaincabin.com/
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  1. YUM! My family loves tomato soup. Thanks so much for the delicious recipes! Your photography is amazing!

    1. Yvonne it’s a favorite soup of mine ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Kris, it’s turned cold here again so Im enjoying my soup.

    1. Lori, the cream cheese is what makes it delicious.

  2. Nancy Blue Moon says:

    I wish I had a big bowl of it right now…lol

    1. Nancy I just had the last of it for lunch today ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Dawn,
    We love tomato soup around my house. I can’t wait to try your recipe! Thanks for sharing at the family joy blog link party this week!

    1. Melissa we do too, and eat it often in the winter with a 3 cheese grilled cheese sandwich.

  4. It looks magazine delish… great photos too !
    Thank you for sharing the rpe.


  5. Nothing beats a big bowl of tomato soup on a chilly fall day. Hopefully we will have one soon so I can make this. Thanks for sharing on Creative K Kids Tasty Tuesdays

  6. My kids love tomato soup (I was shocked to discover that they did) and I really should make it homemade. Your recipe sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing your post at the #HomeMattersParty. Hope to see you link up again this week – the party post goes live on Fridays at 12am EST.

    1. Nicole it’s a favorite at our house but it always need a 3 cheese grilled sandwich to go with it, lol.

  7. My girls said “Yes” to this recipe! Can’t wait to try it!

    1. Tiffami, I hope you like it. I’m a soup person and love this one.

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