Spring Cleaning My Shoe Room

Organized Shoe RoomI decided to revisit the shoe room one year later and see how well I kept it up. If you missed the original post where I used the open the door and through it in, until hubby added shelves to the room, method you can visit that HERE. And above is the picture to prove it was a total disaster. 

Organized Shoe RoomI kept all my shoes neatly placed on the designated shelves throughout the year. Yesterday I decided to take any shoes that I hadn’t wore off the shelf and donate them to our hospice store, dust, and reorganize. The task took me all of 15 minutes to do and was so worth it. 

Shoe Room Before Spring CleaningThe above photo shows you what the space looked like one year later. Some how the left side of the shelves was taken over by home decor items, which is fine by me but it was time to dust those shelves and put like items together on the shelves.

Shoe Room One Year After Design Spring CleaningThe home decor side looks tidy again and I can find the items I need quickly. This is also the spot I hang the few dresses I have, my main walk in closets wasn’t designed with a long hanging spot. I don’t wear dresses often and right on the other side of the wall is our walk in closet so it’s not far to go to get one when I need it. 


Shoe Room Spring CleaningI was able to eliminate two complete shelves of shoes. My motto is if they haven’t been worn in a year their not going to, so someone else may as well have them. As I get older I tend to wear Hunter boots all winter long and flip flops for summer, but like the option to have a cute pair of sandals if something special comes up and when it’s the in between weather I’ll pop on a pair of Vans from time to time. 

Hunter BootsI have an addiction to Hunter boots and have them in several colors and styles. They make me happy just looking at them all lined up in a neat little row. I think I have 7 pair now and I’m still wanting the pretty lavender pair but haven’t been able to find them. 

Shoe Room Spring CleaningFor 15 minutes of my time and a bloody lip (the hanging rod popped of the hooks when I was dusting it a hit me in the face) it was worth my effort to clean and organizing the space again. Now I need to stain the door that hubby put up for me a year ago. I can’t believe I’ve left it natural wood all this time. I best get myself in gear and get that project done. 

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  1. Cheryl Major says:

    Dawn, your shoe room looks wonderful. Sorry about your lip…Dang!
    I only have 8 pairs of shoes total. 2 prs hunter boots, 2 pairs winter boots, 2 pairs flip flops, 1 pr running shoes, & 1 pr dress shoes. Have a good week.

  2. Kathleen G says:

    Love the update! It’s freeing going through your shoes and donating to your hospice store. Lavender boots are perfect for Spring:).
    Kathleen in Az

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