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Summer Deck Done in Buffalo Check

Porch Swing | Creative Cain CabinIm finally back to show you how I used that buffalo check fabric. I have a thing for buffalo check, and snatch it up every time I find a color I like. I had been searching for some fabric that really wowed me to make slips for the porch furniture. I looked online for outdoor fabric, and searched JoAnn’s but nothing jumped into my cart and screamed, “I gotta have it”. 

Hanging Basket | Creative Cain CabinI was getting quite discouraged and decided to stop at TJMax to find some jeans for my boys and while wandering through the clearance section I spotted GREEN BUFFALO CHECK. They were tablecloths and I decided I would use them on the tables for Cody’s graduation party. On my way home I started thinking maybe there was enough fabric to make slips for the porch. 

Summer Porch | Creative Cain CabinI think they were just destined be slipcovers. They fit perfectly….I used two large rectangle tablecloths for the swing and the third to cover the chair and love seat.  It couldn’t have worked out any better. I only had to make one cut and the rest was just sewing side seams. I did it all in less than an hour. Here’s the best part, it only cost $9….hooray for the clearance rack.

Dog | Whiskey Jug | Oregano | Cat | Creative Cain CabinI hate to spend a lot of money when my critters seem to lounge on the furniture, so if it only last a season it was well worth the time and money. I tire of things quickly anyway and will probably want a new color for next year. 

Porch Swing | Creative Cain CabinBy the way, I didn’t stage these photos in any way. I thought I would let you see how it looks for our everyday living. I didn’t straighten a cushion, broom the deck, or shoo the animals away. So today you see a little of just how we live. 



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  1. I love it! The fabric is wonderful and I actually adore pictures that show real life. It isn’t home without critters. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you Stacey, it seems like more work to try and keep them out of the pics LOL.

  2. I love it girlfriend!
    xo Kris

    1. Kris, I wish you were coming to Michigan with Greg we could sit on the deck for a spell.

  3. I love it, dawn. It is perfect for your porch and I think I see the animals nodding in agreement. xo Laura

    1. Laura the animals love the porch. I have to wash the slips often because of them.

  4. Love this Dawn. The buffalo check is your signature and you make such beautiful things out of it. I love that these were made from table clothes. So creative. The outside looks so soft, restful and inviting. Love the furry family in the pictures too. Love that you keep it real in your photos.

    1. Kris, I have never found a buffalo check I didn’t love. LOL. I decided to quit shooing the critters out of the pics and just go with it.

    1. Jeanette I can’t believe the bargain I got.

  5. Your porch is wonderful.

    Can I come sit and drink some lemonade with you?

    1. Carol, Drop by anytime but if it’s this week you will want your winter coat. It is 60 here. LOL

  6. It sure looks pretty, Dawn. Love seeing the critters.


    1. Claudia I thought you would enjoy the pets ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Kathleen G says:

    Relaxing on the swing with a faithful member of the family, what more can you want? Love your porch and now you got me thinking about buffalo check fabric in my home!

    1. Kathleen I love buffalo check. I think it fits in to any decor style.

    1. Thank you Shirley, I like finding a good deal and making it work.

  8. Perfect! And I love the little table, too. Looks like your sweet pets are enjoying it! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Susan I think they animals enjoy it more than the family. They get to lounge more than we do.

    1. Thank you Jane, nothing better than cheap buffalo check ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Dawn,
    I love the wood slab/hairpin leg table! Looks cool on your porch! Have you thought about painting a picture (say forest/stream/flowers) on the bottom of your galvanized tub? That would add a lot of color to the porch as well.
    Keep up the good work!

    1. Barb, I’m not an artist so not sure how that would look probably like a kindergartener did it. LOL

  10. I love the buffalo checks–reminds me of lemon and limeades! I’ve used flat sheets for many projects so that might give you another alternative when looking for the checks. I have been trying to print your mason jar that says “Everything’s in a mason jar” to no avail. I downloaded it, but it just won’t allow me to print it. Is there any way that you can send it to me in an email from a word document? I would really appreciate it! thanks!

    1. Susan, I just sent this by email today. Sorry it took me a while we have guest living with us for the month of July so I’m behind on answering comments.

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