Talk Till Dawn – 2

Creative Cain Cabin's Talk Till Dawn Series

I’m excited to share with you a new series I’m starting called, “Talk Till Dawn”, I want this to be about my everyday life, the things I’m reading, eating, my everyday ups and down, along with photos that I’ve taken over the week.

I haven’t decided yet how often this will be, right now I’m just going to get it going and see what comes of it. I encourage you to share with me similar situations and we can all support one another.

My life and home is far from perfect even though I always share with you pretty home decor picture. Now from time to time I’ll give you a look at how things can get out of control like everyone else’s life.

Farm Fresh Eggs, Kirkland Lamb Print, Vintage Wooden Spoons

It’s hard to believe that January is already past, I have no idea where the time goes but it sure does fly. When I was a kid I remember longing for summer vacations that I thought would never come, but now the time just slips away faster than I can remember.

Fresh Oranges in a Green Enamelware Bowl, Vintage Flour Sifter, Olive Bucket to Store Utensiles
If you remember in the last edition of “Talk Till Dawn” I mentioned with menopause I’m gaining weight, well I went back to strict Keto eating again, and the pounds are dropping off, slowly but they are coming off. I believe my culprit is sugar, that stuff is in everything and is a silent killer. As long as I stay away from it I’m losing weight. I really hate that this seems to be my life long struggle. I say I’m like an alcoholic or drug addict, mine is just with food. I also think I’m one of those people that have zero taste buds I have to have things extremely sweet, spicy, hot, or sour to taste them and I sometimes think that spurs on the food problem, I feel I have to eat more to really get what it taste is.

Cherry Tomatoes, Oregano, on a Vintage Cutting Board

I found a couple of new products I want to share with you from Chef’nVibe, a small mandolin that fits on top of a wide mouth jar and a hand held spiralizer. I have both of these contraptions in a much bigger form, but it’s a pain to get them out and clean them so when I noticed these on the store shelf I decided to give them a try. LOVE them, I will be donating my bigger appliance to hospice. Im much more apt to use them when they’re hand held, and right at my finger tips. They’re also easy to store and don’t take up much room. I’m sure if you had a huge food project these may not be the ones to use but for salads and making veggie noodles for our family they’re perfect.

Mandolin & Spiralizer By Chef'n Vibe
Our new furniture did arrive, the look like leather chair was seriously deformed and wonky at best so that had to go back and as of Friday the new one just came in. The Morris chair fabric pattern didn’t line up so that’s being remade too. When I spent the kind of money I spent for custom work I expect it to look like a custom upholstered piece. Luckily the place I work with is fantastic in the customer care department. It’s a mom and pop shop we’ve been buying from for 25 years, and they’re making everything right. The sofa was perfect though. Once I have everything back I’ll be sharing everything with you. I know I said that last month but I wan’t expecting all the glitches that have come up with it.

Farmhouse Style
I still haven’t purchased anything to use as a coffee table, for now we’re using the round hair pin legged table that I picked up at a thrift store for $5 years ago. It works its just not the look I’m going for. I was hoping while out thrifting one day something would grab my attention and scream take me home but so far that hasn’t been the case. Hubby said he’d make me one, so it may come to that.

Vintage Green Enamelware Cup, Farmhouse Ladder Used to Hold Throws
With age I’ve felt like an old woman with big earrings just looked tacky, but I so love my bling. Big earrings are heavy and make my ears feel tugged upon, until I discovered these leather earrings by Nickel and Suede, I’m in love with them. They have an earring of the month that’s discounted so if you like what you see watch for the monthly sales. I have the ones in “Silver Shell” because they go with most everything I have, but I’ll be ordering a pair in white next. BTW I’m wearing the 2″ size.

Nickel And Suede Leather Earrings, Silver, 2".
Hubby came down with the sickness this week 🙁 just a terrible head cold, not that killer flu that’s going around but I’ve been avoiding him like he as the plague. I just don’t want it, don’t have time for it, and could seriously do with out it. Poor guys miserable, I’m keeping him fed and stocked with tissue and meds but beyond that I’m steering clear of him. My hands are just raw from all the washing and hand sanitizer I’ve been using.

Coffee Colored Sofa, Hair Pinned Table, Yellow Flowers in a Crock

So I’ve been seeing all this buzz on social media about everyone shopping at Aldis, owned by Trader Joe’s, because of their fabulous prices and organic food line. Well I’m a one stop shop kind of girl, and I hate to grocery shop anyway but hubby and I decided to give it a go to see what all the fuss was about. First you have to put a quarter, that you get back when you return your cart, into the cart to release if from being chained to other carts. (Great way to avoid paying a cart boy that’s for sure). Well let me tell you that was a comedy act in itself, I’d never heard of such a thing so a kind lady showed me what it was all about, and I freed a cart from it’s chain and started shopping. OMG I can’t believe the prices, hubby and I were a little skeptical so we didn’t buy much the first trip; canned crushed tomatoes, chocolate milk, white milk, and cream of celery soup for a recipe I was making. Talk about a speedy checkout, those people mean business they whip you through the line so fast I hardly could keep up with loading the grocery belt.

Pantry Door In a Log Home KitchenI’ve since heard you’re timed before hired and if you can’t scan fast you don’t get a cashier job. Next you have to bring your own bag and bag your groceries after they’ve been paid for at a side section where there’s a space to get all your thing organized into your own bags. So of course I had to try it again, the next time I was ready with my quarter and freed the cart like a pro. I purchased 12 boxes of cereal, 4 gallons of milk, and 2 bags of mini organic cucumbers, all for $20. Can you believe that? My youngest son drinks a gallon of milk and eats a box of cereal a day so this was a huge savings to us. Yep we did it again the third trip we actually went for our weekly groceries and only spent $100, but many of the things will last much longer than a week. The only products that were on my list that they didn’t have were; toothpaste, beef jerky, and a particular flavored water that hubby drinks. I certainly don’t like the idea of making another stop to get those things, but for the huge cost savings I’ll do it.

Farmhouse Feel, Fresh Chicken Eggs, Vintage Wooden Spoons, Cutting Boards, Zesty Lemons, and a Tart Burner
If you follow me on Facebook, or Instagram you know I’ve been wanting to change the color of our kitchen island to hide all the boot prints the men in our home seem to put on the sitting side. I went to Sherwin Williams this week and picked up the paint colors I’ll be using and can’t wait for you to see what I’m doing. Now just to get motivated, because painting is one thing I hate to do. I’m going to have to push myself to get it done.

Kirkland Barn Print
I also finally broke down and ordered Rodan+Fields regimen for my face. My skin is so dry, dull, and has sun damage that it’s in need of some serious help. It’s 20% off right now for the bundle so I figured it was time to give it a try. I’ll share with you my before and after pics, once I’ve given it time to work. Wow I’m really going out of my comfort zone here. Last month I shared my teeth with my mouth opened wide, and now I’m going to share my face with no makeup. Scary to say the least.

Pink Flowers and a Mint Plant
Getting back to ordering braces from Smile Direct, I sent my impression kit back only to hear back from them saying I needed to have a digital scan to complete the process. Well the closest place to do that is a 4 hour round trip, and with the snowy roads I’m not in any hurry to do that. I’m going to try the impression kit one more time and if that doesn’t get the results they’re looking for I’ll have to make the trip to Detroit for a scan. I swear nothing’s ever easy.

Log Home Living Room With My Feet Up

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  1. I hear ya on the weight gain, and for me it’s bad carbs and lack of exercise. Really need to get a move on this spring since I lose weight best when I walk daily. ugh.

  2. I love your hair – looks so pretty. I haven’t heard of Rodan+Fields before. I’m going to do some research, but am looking forward to hearing how it works for you. It may be just what I need…my facial skin is a challenge lately.

    1. P.S. I am a huge Aldi fan. If you try one of their store brand products and don’t like it, they will give you the full price back, plus you can try another store-brand product that is a similar price for free. I take any remaining dislikef product, my receipt, and the new item that I’m going to try to the checkout person. I do it at the same time as I’m going to pay for the rest of my groceries. This even covers their produce.

  3. Cheryl Major says:

    Love your hair and new earrings. I have the same problem with sugar, its like I can not get full, or forget that I have just eaten. I am currently trying to get on plan and drop some pounds. Aldi sounds like a wonderful store to have locally , saving $$$ is what its all about. Can’t wait to see your new furniture.

  4. I just thought I’d share a little ALDI history as told to be by my local manager. Trader Joe’s does not own ALDI. They are brothers. The small grocery store started in Germany as Albrecht Discount and shortened its name to ALDI. One brother wanted to sell cigarettes the other did not. They became ALDI North and ALDI South. When one company moved to the US the were known as Pronto Markets later changed their name to Trader Joe’s many years later ALDI came to the US. ALDI has stayed true to its European roots. I have heard many people say ALDi is owned by Trader Joe’s but it’s just not so according to Mary our local manager.

  5. I shop Aldi’s every week. They have the BEST chocolate milk. I like to compare their weekly ad to another grocery ad that comes the same day, just for giggles. Most of the time the other store’s sale price is twice what Aldi’s is for the very same thing. Crazy. And where else could you buy eggs for .44 a dozen? (they’ve been down as low as .29)

  6. Dawn…you have a new look and you are beautiful!! those eye lashes!!! I shop at Aldi’s in Jackson and have never been disappointed and yes, they are fast at the check outs!! Can’t wait to see your new furniture!!!

  7. Hi Dawn – I’m horrified to find dangling earrings are tacky. What oh What shall I do with my treasures. By the way, you are beautiful look at . . . keep trucking with the sugar abolition project . . . it’s mine too – I grew up with homemade desserts and cookies and so launched my long term intention to stop. Glutathiane (sic) helps quite a lot. Love this new chatty presentation. Jan

  8. I love your new sofa and can’t wait to see the whole room when all the furniture is in.

  9. Lauina Cook says:

    I too enjoyed this new format.

  10. I have never heard of the skin regimen that you talked about. Is it on the computer?

    1. Nana, yes you need to buy from a R&F rep, but you can find one online.

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