Talk Till Dawn – 20

I’m excited to share with you a new series I’m starting called, “Talk Till Dawn”, I want this to be about my everyday life, the things I’m reading, eating, my everyday ups and down, along with photos that I’ve taken over the week.
My life and home is far from perfect even though I always share with you pretty home decor picture. Now from time to time I’ll give you a look at how things can get out of control like everyone else’s life.

Ugh! I’m not sure how wordy this post will be today I currently under the weather with the flue. Three months ago I had the stomach flu and now I have the respiratory version. One of our employees had it and passed it on to the rest of us. I was so careful too; I was a crazy lady with the Lysol wipes and essential oils.

If you follow me on Instagram you’ve heard about BluBelle my new bike. Hubby was against me getting one because I’m quite the klutz. The last bike I had was turned into a flower planter after falling off it and cracking my head open. I assured him I’d be more in control of my bike from now on, lol.
I asked him to stop at Walmart and pick me up a cheap bike. I didn’t want anything fancy, no gears, a big seat, and a basket. After he looked around he said I’d need to meet him there and pick it out myself, there were to many to choose from; so I did.
I had him get several down for me to try in the store and ended up with this one. Believe it or not for me a bike has to be balanced with the weight over the seat and back tire. Any other way it feels tippy to me and maybe that’s why I crashed my last bike.
I’m so glad I went and picked one out myself. He’d picked out a pink bike (not my color at all) with gears, straight handlebars, and skinny tires. Dodged that bullet, I’d have hated that thing. I’m no longer 20 I need an old lady bike now!
I’ve enjoyed riding it too. I take it into town two days a week and ride between 5-6 miles each time (that’s every road in our entire town). Then one day a week I meet a friend and walk another 5 miles. Since I’ve decided I like bike riding I may upgrade to a more expensive model next year but for now my $100 dollar Walmart bike is doing the trick.

Our weather’s been so dry, with no rain for the last month and a half the I haven’t had to mow. However I decided to cut down the weeds last week and discovered this turtle crossing our driveway. I had to get off and move it into the grass in fear of mowing over it.
I’m one of those people that stop when driving and move turtles out of the road because there’s always that one idiot that thinks it’s funny to run them over. My hubby’s afraid I’m going to be hit in the road doing it one of these times. He said he’s going to put on my headstone “She died rescuing a turtle”. Let’s hope it’s not the case!

Do you remember me telling you a few posts back about the random seed that sprouted in my landscaping that I let mature? Well I’m happy to announce It’s a dumpling squash vine; my favorite fall squash. I’m so glad now that I left it be, even though I wasn’t happy about how it looked. Sometimes good things come from the most unexpected. One volunteer seed has produced 10 squash that I’ll be able to harvest soon. Happy Dance!
Well that’s all from me today, I’m feeling the urge to rest again. Until next time take care and thank you for spending the time talking till dawn with me today!

Too early to hear about the flu here in Michigan! Feel better soon!
Linda, my entire family and all our employees had it. It’s going around.
Love the bike! I ‘ve never heard of a dumpling squash so that was interesting as well as the turtle! Hope you feel better soon and just push that flu stuff out into the Lake!
Almost a month later and still have the congestion from the flu. I’m over it for sure:(
Take care and feel better soon. I bought a similar bike at Walmart but after several tip overs I gave it to my daughter she enjoys riding it in her neighborhood. Hugs,
Sandi, Been there and done that but so far so good with this one.
Feel better!! It is about this time of year we start getting our flu shots….Loving our last warm Michigan days here…
Jeanie I’ve never had a flu shot I just endure the sickness 🙁