Talk Till Dawn – 30

I’m excited to share with you a new series I’m starting called, “Talk Till Dawn”, I want this to be about my everyday life, the things I’m reading, eating, my everyday ups and down, along with photos that I’ve taken over the week.
My life and home is far from perfect even though I always share with you pretty home decor picture. Now from time to time I’ll give you a look at how things can get out of control like everyone else’s life.

Have you missed me? I feel like taking a week off from blogging was a much needed break. I’ve been to busy to even get online. Hubby and I have been spending a lot of time fishing, and stocking our freezer for winter.
Hubby and I always golfed together every weekend and I was on a league during the week but I gave it up when our youngest played high school baseball. The seasons schedule seemed to clash with my golf days so I quit altogether. And after several years of that I just never picked the sport back up again. So that meant hubby golfed with friends instead of me.
For hubby’s birthday he said he’d like a boat. I told him I’d buy him one if that’s what he wanted. He never asks for anything and is super hard to buy for because he has one of everything so this was the perfect opportunity to get him something he really wanted. Not to mention I’m going to benefit from it also. I love to fish and haven’t done it in years.

When I was younger we’d spend our summers on Houghton Lake in Michigan and when we weren’t there my brother and I would fish from a local stream down the road from where we grew up. We’d pack all our fishing gear up and ride bikes to the stream and fish for the day. My Dad would pass on his way home from work and that was the cue to get on our bikes and peddle home just in time for dinner.
Anyone who knows me well will admit I’m a little unique lets say and hubby just goes with it now, but here’s how I strutted out of the house to fish. I have on my big ole’ hat (to keep the sun out of my eyes), my big ole’ glassed (because they’re fashionable), my big ole’ bag filled with the essentials (water, a towel, hand wipes, snacks, a bible, and ipad), you never know when fishing gets tiring and I need to do a bible study or watch a movie. LOL. Let’s just say I come prepared for anything and everything, LOL.

If you missed my last post you can go back and read it but we had a storm here and had to have our roof fixed. The high winds took a few shingles off and since we want to sell soon we had to get right on getting it fixed. My SIL is a realtor and can’t even find us a house. The market is crazy around here and homes are listed and sold immediately. I just keep praying for the right one to come along in Gods timing and so far that hasn’t happened so we’ll just stay put until the timing is right. The homes we have looked at are awful in my opinion. I really don’t want to spend half a million dollars and have to do a gut on the house. Most places are so outdated; I guess I’m just used to what I have now.
This is my Mama’s birthday month and I had a hard time last week on her birthday. This is the second birthday without her and it still is heartbreaking for me. Losing her certainly has changed who I am. Im much quieter than I used to be and I keep a lot to myself. She was the one I talked to every day and I’ve had to make an adjustment of what to do with all those conversations. I’m not sure anyone even notices the difference I but sure feel it. I’m not sure it’s a good or bad thing but it is who I am now.

Grama Red is turning 101 next week so we’ll be throwing here a birthday party to celebrate. Her favorite drink is a Bloody Mary so I ordered her the Bloody Mary box of the month club. She’ll get a different mix with all the fixings once a month in the mail. I know she’ll get a kick out of it and it will give here something to look forward to.
She’s so glad some of our ”virus” restrictions have been lifted; she can get out again and wouldn’t you know it the first place she wanted me to take here was McDonalds drive through. She got her usual hamburger and fries and loved every bite. She thought it was the best meal she’d had in a long time. I get a kick out of how much she enjoys it.

I have to tell you a little trick she has. If we’re going somewhere and she’s not getting out of the truck she looks all put together from the neck up, but from the neck down she is Walmart pajamas all the way. She puts her makeup and earrings on and does her hair so when a car passes by she looks put together. I had to crack up, she has figured it all out but don’t ask her to get out for the truck because the outfit is a hot mess. She’s always cold so she likes to wear fleece pj bottoms with a sweatshirt. I know that’s the younger generations normal wardrobe but to Grama that’s not something you should leave the house in or be seen in. I’ll post pics of the birthday party next time.
Until then take care and thank you for taking the time to Talk Till Dawn!

Nice looking fish! Grandma Red sounds like a fireball…lol Daughter is a realtor in Jackson and soldm2 houses last week….Interest rates are good at the moment. Good luck!!
Jeanie, My SIL is a realtor in Marshall and is selling 3 houses a week right now.
My daughter, that I live with in Florida is also looking far a new house. Their current home sold last week. So now they are scrambling! They have found a couple that are perfect for us, put an offer on it and it’s gone already! So I have moved to Ohio with my son and his family until……
Carolyn, We are starting to work on our guest house this week to put it on the market. I want to build a new deck and do a little landscaping before we sell it.
Happy you took a break Dawn…I have been on a bit of a blogging break for many reasons. Happy that you had some fun with your hubby and what a “catch”… I hope as time goes by, it will get easier for you as you still mourn the loss of your mom, your best friend…you were truly blessed to have that wonderful relationship with her. Good luck on the house hunting.
Shirley, how is your health and are you enjoying your new house?