Talk Till Dawn – 31

Creative Cain Cabin's Talk Till Dawn Series

I’m excited to share with you a new series I’m starting called, “Talk Till Dawn”, I want this to be about my everyday life, the things I’m reading, eating, my everyday ups and down, along with photos that I’ve taken over the week.

My life and home is far from perfect even though I always share with you pretty home decor picture. Now from time to time I’ll give you a look at how things can get out of control like everyone else’s life.

Chicken Coop, Galvanized Planter, Sunflowers, Rustic

July is one it’s time for a wrap up of what the month looked like. It doesn’t seem to be very eventful. I spend most early mornings and evenings on the lake fishing. I have a good tan to prove it and a freezer full of fish. I’m totally obsessed ya’all.

Sunset on the Lake

I’ve also been tending to the garden. Picking beans, zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers every day. We’ve been eating fried zucchini with every meal and I’ve baked several loafs of zucchini bread. Normally my cucumbers don’t do well but this year they are over producing, which is good. I think adding all the chicken poop to the beds helped it immensely.


I have several bags of green beans in the freezer along with shredded zucchini. It’ll be so nice to have the fresh veggies come winter time. I’ve even been eating tomato sandwiches for breakfast; something I love but feel all that bread isn’t good for me. Oh well, life is short, right?

Bird in Nest

Delivered Grama Reds second booze box to her, for those of you who don’t remember our family gifted Grama for her 101 birthday a monthly subscription to a Bloody Mary box. This month she got Vodka, Bloody Mary mix, pickled asparagus, picked beets, maple bacon bites, and cubed cheese. She just loves adding all the goodies to her drink stick and she makes herself a drink every night.

Chicken Coop, Galvanized Planter, Sunflowers, Rustic

My galvanized feeder finally bloomed with a single sunflower. I planted them 3 times in the spring and every time they came up a raccoon got into them and tore them up, so I finally gave up on reseeding. Just a couple did manage to make it and are just now starting to bloom.

Sunflower in Whisky Barrel, Rustic Landscape, Log Home, Container Garden

Look at the silly picture of the whisky barrel planted with thyme and marigolds. That tall flower is a sunflower. I noticed a volunteer plant sprouting and decided to let it go and see what it was. When it was small I though it was a zinnia, well as it got taller and taller I knew I had a sunflower plant on my hands. I get a laugh out of how disproportionate it is in the planter but I let it go anyway. The birds love sitting in it and will enjoy the seeds once it flowers.

Potted Herbs

Last year I let a volunteer plant go and it ended up being my favorite winter squash and I harvested at least 20 dumpling squash from it. I’m guessing the birds pick the seeds from our compost pile and reseed them for me.

Chickens, Laying Hens, Rustic Chicken Coop

I just ordered and planted two elderberry bushes. I make my own elderberry syrup for medicinal purposes and I have to forge for the berries along side the road. I’m now hoping in a few years to be able to pick them right from my own back yard. The plants said 2 years for production so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that’s the case. When they arrived in the mail they were bare root sticks about 4 feet tall. I put them in the ground and have watered them heavily every day for a week and they’re already sprouting leaves. This is a good sign they’ll take hold and survive the winter.

How to Freeze Green Beans

Michigan is already cooling down, it was only in the 70’s this week with nights isn’t he 50-60’s. It sure feels good, but I know fall is in the air. You can smell and feel it here. Our Maple trees are already changing color too. It won’t be long; it’s hard to believe that summer is winding down.

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  1. I love your new Talk til Dawn post. It’s like sitting across the table with a cup of something wonderful and talking to a friend. Thanks!

    1. Linda, Aw how sweet 🙂 I’m glad you enjoy it.

  2. Hi Dawn
    Always enjoy this post. Will you be able to pick the berries I remember you mentioned your thinking of moving in the spring
    I cant blame you if you changed your mind. A very pretty spot and home you have.
    Enjoy your day and thanks for sharing.

    1. Judy, If we find a place I may just dig up the shrubs and move them to the new place. They won’t be very big so they may survive it. I love our home and it’s location but it’s time to downsize if the right place comes along.

  3. Hey sounds like fishing is in your blood! Wanna take it up and don’t know where to start. Any tips/suggestions to get started?

    1. Kari, Yes I love to fish. I used to fish with my brother when we were kids, and the only tip I have are fish with someone who knows what bait to use for the fish you want to catch. That’s very helpful. Oh! and don’t hook anyone (more on that in my next Talk Till Dawn post)

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