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Tomato Planting


Raised Bed Garden, Tomato Plants, Dollar Store Wire Trash Cans as Cloches, Ikea Plant Markers

I just couldnโ€™t hold out any longer. The gardening itch was just too strong and I caved and put the tomato plants in the ground. Now to keep my fingers cost that our frost period is over. On the upside if the weather calls for frost Iโ€™ll just add a cover over the cloches for a night or two.

Raised Bed Garden, Tomato Plants, Dollar Store Wire Trash Cans as Cloches, Ikea Plant Markers

I have 8 tomato plants in all and four of those are Sun Sugar cherry tomato plants. I prefer those to a full size tomato any day. We eat them like candy around our house. The other four plants are full sized heirloom plants. Hubby will slice and eat a plateful as his dinner along with several cucumber slices. I wonโ€™t be canning any so Iโ€™ll give away those we canโ€™t keep up with eating.

Raised Bed Garden, Tomato Plants, Dollar Store Wire Trash Cans as Cloches, Ikea Plant Markers

In past posts Iโ€™ve mentioned I trying several new methods for keeping the critters out the garden and adding cloches over the plants is something Iโ€™m doing this year. I normally donโ€™t have any trouble with critters eating tomato plants but the bunnies will go along and pull them up from the ground. They donโ€™t eat them; they just rip them up and let them lay. I do poke them back into the ground but itโ€™s a nuisance to go out and find them on top of the soil drying out. Wish me luck that this works while they get established!

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  1. Christine Heckman says:

    I do not blame u for ur frustration. Where did u purchased the cloches? The same thing was happening here w/critters eating garden. I found plastic chicken mesh at menardโ€™s and cut it to go around or inside of tomato gages. I then found sticks to secure the mesh. Pretty rustic but it works. Thank you

    1. Christine they are wire trash cans turned upside down from the Dollar Tree. That’s a brilliant idea for the tomato cages and I have lots of it already on hand.

      1. Christine says:

        Thank u. Iโ€™ll have to look into buying some. Great idea and cost effective.

      2. Youโ€™re a genius!!!

  2. HI Dawn! First, I love your profile picture! Beautiful! Where do I find those adorable wire cloches?

    xo laura (formerly at not a trophy wife)

    1. Lara, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ I purchased the cloches at the Dollar Tree, they are wire trash cans turned upside down.

    2. Laura,
      I purchased them at the Dollar Tree!

  3. Hey there, I couldnโ€™t find when this was first posted but I was wondering how this worked out for you.

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