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  1. Sorry, but when I clicked to visit it said I wasn’t allowed. Must be a private blog for friends only?

  2. I just found your blog through Cindy’s Home Tour. So happy to have found you, and am following you now through FB. 🙂

  3. I tried but it wouldn’t let me in. Deb

  4. I was unable to go to Old Time Farmhouse – it is members only?

  5. The top link didn’t go through but the bottom one did. Just thought I would let your previous commenter’s know that.

    What a wonderful tour! I really need to spend more time looking around your cabin. I actually just sent a link to a friend of mine who lives in a beautiful log home. She will love your ideas.

  6. Hey Dawn is this a tour of your Cabin?..when I tried to tour,it said I did not have permission…I’ve never saw this message before,I didn’t understand…Now when I read Amy Kinser comment I tried and YIP-PEE I was able to see the tour of your BEEEE-U-T-FUL cabin home,I can’t even express how much I love this tour,your cabin home is one of my favorites in blogland!…I enjoyed and now I’m smiling the happy smile we get from blogging with great folks like you.
    ~Jo @ LoblollyLane

  7. Hey Dawn! It’s an honor to feature you and your cabin!
    Yes, for some reason the first link is not working, but the second one is.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  8. Dawn! I’ve tried to comment twice–hope this one goes through! Enjoyed your tour at Old Time Farmhouse tremendously! Love your style–and your log home. That’s my dream–to finish our little log cabin and use it one winter. Great photos, too.
    Blessings from the Farmhouse,

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