Transferring Potted Plants Into The Soil Before Winter
I’m preparing for fall by putting the potted perennials that were on the decks into the ground before winter hits. The Hostas in the black pots (my girlfriends kids call them my potion pots) and the Perennial (don’t know what they are) in the galvanized sap bucket. I’m pretty sure they would freeze out over winter so I made room for them in our landscape design. That wasn’t my intention when I purchased them, but apparently I wasn’t thinking about winter when I potted them this spring.
I’m still not sure how well they will do but I hope I’m giving them enough time to re-root themselves. Plus I also need the planters and sap buckets for my fall outdoor decorating.
Since I hadn’t made room for the things in my original design I just move the pots around until I found a place they’d fit and didn’t look like I just plopped a plant there because I had nowhere else to put it. The Hostas ended up behind the rock bird bath and the other plant that looks like Hostas are surrounding the weeping cherry tree in a arc against the rock boarder.
The dog decided to lay on the Hostas as soon as I planted them, probably because the fresh turned soil was cool. I did my digging and planting right after a good soaking rain. By the way our dog has lost all the weight she needed to lose (I’m going to start eating dog food too after seeing her results), and is getting around pretty good. She’s not 100 percent but I think she’s as good as she’ going to get.
For all you gardeners should I do anything special to my newly transplanted perennials to prepare them for winter, or just hope for the best?
I need to do this, too. I’m going to use your idea of moving the pots around before choosing a spot. I think they look great where you’ve planted them. My mom, who definitely has a green thumb, dug up and gave me some of her flowers last week. I found homes for them and they seem to be doing well so far. You probably know the only tips I know – water them before and after transplanting. I water once or twice a week afterwards, too, unless it rains…I’ll do this for a few weeks.
Jen I have been so lucky lately we’ve had rain every few days so I haven’t had to even water them and they look good. Hopefully they take root before snow hits.
So you just put your perennials in the ground and just leave them for the winter? I am some what new about potting and gardning but just now learning to keep my poor plants alive for a long period of time. So, planting your perennials in the ground before winter gives them time to settle in and bear out the winter. They die off and make a new start during the spring? Do you them pull up and repot them like the year before? Sorry if these questions are silly, I am just trying to lean more.
Jocely I had them in pots on my deck but felt they would freeze out over our Michigan winter so I planted them in the ground and that’s where I’ll leave them forever now.
I love the way your dog just happens to find her way into your photos, Dawn, she is a beauty. I think she just wants to be close to you:>)
Hostas are very hardy plants. My Mother had a large row of them and I often dung from her bed for my own. I’ve always lived in the North and had no problem with them living through the transplanting. good luck
Kim that darn dog is my shadow, I’m surprised I got that far away from her without her following me. Glad to hear they should transplant well.
Your landscape is so pretty. About 10 years ago we lost a big beautiful ornamental pear tree to a storm and under that tree we had hostas. Well, with no shade for them we dug them all up and relocated them to another part of our yard. I kept them watered and they did fine. Good luck. Nice to see your dog doing so well too.
Becky good to hear the hostas seem to be hardy. I’ve heard they have a variety for full sun now too! Yes the dog is much better now and we’re happy with her progress.
Your place looks great ! It’s always nice to get things done. I’ve got to get busy and transplant some plants .
Cheryl I’ve been really good this summer I kept up on all the weeding and feel like I have everything under control before winter hits. Farmers Almanac is saying lots of snow for Michigan this winter.
I read in a magazine and they were talking about hostas that you can just put the pot in the garage or if the pot can take the cooled and snow you can leave it on the ground (if you do this just leave the leaves on) and it will come back next year. for me hostas are one plant that is hard to kill. yours should be just fine I transplant mine in the fall and if I do, I do not do it until next month.
Angela I know the deer like to eat hostas here so I hope moving them off the deck was a wise choice. I guess I’ll have to take a chance and see what happens in the spring. Thanks for the planting tips!
Wow! Gorgeous landscape and dog too! All the best with your gardeningโฅ
Thank you Summer ๐ The dog is my shadow and never leaves my side.
Your flowers and plants are looking so beautiful….Someone told me to place extra mulch in the planting beds in the Fall to further protect the ground temp…
Shirley I plan on doing that too if my hubby is ever around long enough with the truck. We get it by the yard so much cheaper than by the bag.
Looks lovely. Just water regularly after transplanting (hostas are pretty hardy) until established in ground and before frost mulch rather heavy. Love your dog. What a sweet baby!
Phyllis I have mulch on them now but plan to add more before snow hits. Thanks for the tips ๐
I have had the same Hostas for 22 yrs and I do nothing to them for the winter and every year they come back!!..I also don’t live that far from you so we have the same climate
Jeanie wow 22 years those have to be huge!
I am in awe of the lush green of your yard. My garden is looking so sad.
Carol we had just had rain and that always greens it right up again.
Good idea to get the root system established before winter sets in. Sometimes I just sink the whole pot right into the ground, makes it easier for the following year, but it depends on the type of pot you have the plant in. I put my huge pots right into the back of the garage over the winter and haul them out in the spring.
Linda I thought about keeping the pots in our basement but it’s just as warm as the rest of the house and I felt they needed a dormant period. I guess we’ll see come spring how they did.
The perennials in your sap bucket appear to be another variety of hosta–they look like some I have in my garden
Marianne I thought so too but can’t remember the name of them. The leaves are very tender unlike a normal hosta and they have dainty pink flowers that bloom in the center of the plant. Does yours have the flowers too?
Your home looks beautiful!
Cindy I think I finally have the outdoor portion how I like it.
Fabulous job!