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Ugly Yet Functional Screen That’s Kid and Pet Friendly

Kid and Pet Friendly Screen

See my ugly screen? It’s the type that has magnet closures in the center. I have a dog that likes to go outside when the mood strikes her and has been know to dive through the window screens when she hears a critter outside at night. Last summer she pushed the screen out of the french door so I resorted to purchasing a “Magna Screen”, it came with a rebate so I only ended up paying $3 for it and by golly that darn thing works like a charm. Who would have guessed?

Outside Place Setting

I had seen infomercials on the product and figured it would never work, but boy was I wrong. We’ve had it in place all winter long and it’s still right where is should be and in working order. I say $3 well spent, even if it is an eye sore.  I don’t plan on making it a permanent thing but while we have pets it will remain in place. I decided to write about it because we actually had a 50 degree day and I had my door open and was thinking to myself how well that darn screen works. 


It was so nice out hubby decided to clean up the yard and burn all the debris that was uncovered after all those layers of snow melted off. I caught him just in time, he was planning on burning the cushion to my porch love seat. I guess because it had blown off and tumbled across the yard he figured it was junk. I sure hated the thought of having to buy all new cushions this year. Knowing my luck I would have to start completely over, I would never be able to match what is already there and that was sounding expensive.

Outside Table Setting

I hate to even says this and jinx myself, but I think Michigan may be heading in the direction of Spring. We have had 2 days in a row above 30 and most of the snow has melted. There are several days of rain in the upcoming forecast so I’m not to excited by that, but I guess I will use the opportunity to get more spring cleaning done inside.


I would really like to work out in the flower gardens but so far nothing is trying to poke through the ground, we still have brown every where and lots of mud which is a whole other story when you have a dog. It seems I am constantly wiping muddy paws. It does get the majority off, but I still have to mop every day if I want a nice clean floor. Ah, the joys of spring in the country.


So what do you think, do I win the ugly screen award?




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  1. How nice that you found something that works and what a deal! I sure hope you get warmer spring days soon. I hate to say this to you, but we reached 80 yesterday and will today, too. I am going to mow the lawn today for the first time since the fall.

    1. Kim, mow the lawn, wow we won’t see that till June here. LOL

  2. Dawn
    I love your new header!
    I’ve wondered about those screens, so thank you for the review.
    How is it with mosquitos though?
    And thank goodness you caught hubby before he burned your cushions!

    1. Kim, I have never had a problem with mosquitos but that screen is on the 3rd story and it’s quite windy up there so I normally don’t have mosquitos anyway.

  3. Dawn, I used to have one of those on my door to the patio from the bathroom by the pool! We loved it too. But now we have installed hideaway screens. Which the dogs still bust through. And they are EXPENSIVE to replace. Our newly acquired Lab, Dusty, who is a Marley of a dog, has taken his 100 pounds of strength and actually bent our Anderson sliding screen!!! I am about to resort to another screen like that for the summer!!!! Good post!
    xo Kris
    PS Hooray for Spring!!!!

    1. Kris, it is the perfect screen for such situations and you can’t beat the price. I actually picked up 2 while they were so cheap just in case they didn’t hold up well, but so far I am very pleased with it.

  4. Really… I don’t think it’s bad looking. Sort of has a vintage charm to it in your photo. And if it works, that’s frosting on the cake. I’m going to check this out, we have the same trouble and I think my husband is getting tired of re-screening the dog hole in ours.

    1. It’s a perfect, cheap solution. I agree I was getting tired of having the screen replaced too.

  5. When we moved into our little cottage, the living room door had the original wooden screen door and our dog decided to just jump through the screen one day. Oh, I wish I had at least kept the wooden part, but it was before blogging and digital photos and great ideas for junk. Fortunately, we can easily live with the door wide open on nice days so I haven’t replaced it.

    Your screen does the job and sometimes that is the most important feature.

    1. Carol, yes it does the job yet not attractive. If I leave our doors open without a screen I have barn swallows swoop in thinking they are in a barn. LOL It happened several times during our building stage. Our house is high up on a hill and it is at perfect bird height.

  6. crafty grandma says:

    So nice to hear that spring has arrived in some parts of the world….unfortunately, not here we are still buried under about 5 feet of snow and grass???? what’s that?? The ice on the driveway finally melted and yes we do see it!! Just three days ago I was looking out my window feeling like I was captured in a snowglobe – it was snowing that hard! Don’t let today’s sun fool you – even though it is supposedly 31 degrees but feels like 25 – a little nippy although I did open the windows to get some air in!! Thanks for the update on the magnet screen – I’ve been debating about buying it but then that is a good way for the neighbor’s dog to invite himself in too! and any other critter too!

    1. I am luck and my screen is not on ground level and it has a deck with a rail around it so no unwanted critters can get in. Our snow is almost gone and will be after the next 10 days of rain we will be getting. I can see more mud in my forecast ๐Ÿ™

  7. HI Dawndie! Oh, what a deal and I’m so glad it works for you! Can your dog get back in too? It’s not ugly either. Now you have certainly fooled us with your beautiful photography into thinking it’s a warm spring day at your house. Love those vintage glasses and the daises are so sweet.
    Here’s to warmer days.
    Be a sweetie,

    1. Shelia, yes the pooch can get back in it works in both directions. And yes the photos are deceiving it’s not Spring here yet.

  8. It’s your house, do what ya want, anyhow , everything is gorgeous at your cabin!!

    Toodles, Barbi

    1. Barbi, thank you. It’s not beautiful but it works ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Dawn, what I want to know is if the screen makes that clickity-clackity sound when it shuts. I think we might be heading towards spring too!

    1. Yvonne, yes it makes a sound when the magnets reconnect. I guess I don’t notice it being particularly annoying though. We have a lot of wind so I am used to hearing that anyway and as long as I don’t have a ruined screen I am fine with it.

  10. I say who cares if it’s ugly if it works. Pets can really tear up a screen. The trash under the snow phenomenon is particularly active this year with since we didn’t have any melt between the snows. I still have two little glaziers left to melt. The wind on Tuesday did blow a lot of it away.

    1. Karen, I have a few snow piles left too where Hubby had huge mounds piled up. It’s back to cold and freezing rain here today ๐Ÿ™ Will it ever end?

  11. So, where did you find it at such a bargain price? I have been looking for one of those! I want it on my back door which has a door that opens outward so I want to put it on the inside so I can open the door and keep out the flying critters while letting the 4 legged critters come and go. ๐Ÿ™‚ Cool! So glad you let us know how it works! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Yvonne, I got mine at Menards with a rebate but full price was only $10.

  12. With your view and the pretty table outside, no one would even notice your screen! $3.00 is a steal for something that works well ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Karen May says:

    What a clever solution!! I have grandkids and when the weather is warmer, I may just have to get one of those. They push out the screen no matter what I do. Can you tell me where you got your darling yellow dishes? So cute. I’m new here; came over from Town and Country Charming Home post. Think I’ll stick around! I don’t want to pry but your home looks like where we used to live in Wyoming. Is that where you are? Thanks for all the great photos!

    1. Karen, welcome to the Cabin. I live in Michigan ๐Ÿ™‚ The dishes came from Pier One and the screen is a great solution for kids ๐Ÿ™‚

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