
Undecorating: The Christmas Tear Down Mess


Undecorating: The Christmas Tear Down MessThe day after Christmas it happened: I took one look at the railing garland and knew if it stayed up one more day we’d have a house fire waiting to happen. So to avoid such an occurrence I decided I’d carefully take it down and dispose of it. Well one thing led to another and before I knew it my entire place was in shambles. 

Undecorating: The Christmas Tear Down MessThe garland started falling apart, which led to having to sweep the loft, the stairs, behind the sofa, and on and on. You’re getting the picture….I couldn’t just leave things half done, or undone in this case so I went to the basement, lugged up the Christmas totes, and started dismantleling the place. I just couldn’t help myself, once I was on a roll there was no stopping me. 

Undecorating: The Christmas Tear Down MessI did find it took exactly the same amount of time to decorate as it did to undecorate. I don’t know why but for some reason I had it in my head that undecorating would go much quicker. Boy was I wrong, but after working most of the morning the place was back to normal. Wow the place feels so big again without all the Christmas stuff going on. 

Undecorating: The Christmas Tear Down MessGiving everything a good dusting, vacuuming, and rearranging felt good. I know many people don’t take down their tree this early but I was ready and I always work better on my own so I tackled this project while everyone else was at work. Good by 2017 I’ll see you all again in 2018!

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  1. I to took down our Christmas decoration early this year, but only because my sister that host New Year Day dinner is sick, and cancel this year for the first time in forty years. These tips are very helpful, to write down and use for next year. I am so looking forward to following you next year, 2018. Have a Happy safe New Year Eve.

    1. Ivory, I’m so happy to have you as a follower. You are always faithful to comment and I’ve enjoyed reading them all.

  2. Kathleen G says:

    It took a few days to put my Christmas decor away, getting over a head cold, only my poinsettia table cloth left until I buy a pretty floral one:). Absolutely right, takes a bit more putting it all away.
    Happy New Year Dawn and to your family!
    Kathleen in Az

    1. Kathleen, so sorry you had that terrible cold that’s going around, everyone seems to have it. I didn’t even buy a poinsettia this year, totally forgot all about them.

  3. JaneEllen says:

    Never any fun putting Christmas away, is why I wasn’t sure I wanted to even do a tree for just two of us this year. Mr.Furry wanted one ( he bought 4 ft.faux) so I relented. After we get it up and decorated am glad we did but try not to think about after, groan. Always seem to buy more decorations so have even more to organize and pack up.
    Was talking to daughter tonight, she was commenting on how it must be nice to have time to take down, etc.,
    I reminded her how I had to do it all when 4 kids were still at home, worked full time, etc. For some reason she forgets we weren’t always old and retired. Wasn’t easy when younger to do all is required to do but it gets done.
    Seems like once you start un-doing is easier to get it over with, get those boxes out, clean up. Feels good to have that behind a person. Ever notice is usually wife who does it all?,lol Somebody has to do it and do it right.
    Wishing you HAPPY NEW YEAR

    1. JaneEllen, love that part about your kids not realizing you haven’t always been retired, got a kick out of that! You’re right it feels good to have it all over with and my place back in order again!

  4. Looks like my house a few days ago. I was ready to take it all down and start to think of new and fresh decor for the new year. Happy New Year Dawn. May 2018 be your best year yet. Wishing you much happiness, lots of good health, finding joy each day and most of all living cozy and comfortable in your sweet cabin.

    1. Kris, I think of you often and thank you for the kind wishes for 2018. Hugs!

  5. Some years I put it away right after Christmas, but since my daughter and son-in-law came this weekend, I decided to leave up til today. When I decorated for Christmas I had winter decor in mind, but it still took awhile to get Christmas decorations down and extra wintery items up. I’m very happy with how it all turned out.

    Happy New Year, Dawn!!

    1. Jen, I’d leave mine up to if I was you that way the rest of the extended family visiting could enjoy it. I feel like it’s all a lot of work and only the 4 people that live in our house sees it all.

  6. I asked my Mom yesterday why is it always fun putting up Christmas dรฉcor and NEVER any fun taking them down and putting things away. I decided when I packed things away this year to clean out and either donate or throw away all the things I hadn’t used in a while or had seen better days.

    I decorated our mantle in a wintery theme this year so I will let that stay up a while longer but everything else is thankfully packed away. We bought a white faux tree last year and I love it. Easy to put up and easy to take down and store. My sister in law who turned 60 this year said this was their last year of putting up a big, real tree. She said she was headed to the after Christmas sales and buy a small faux tree for next year.

    1. Teresa, I did a post a few years ago and I did just that….organized everything and pitched the things I’d never use. Last year I transitioned from Christmas to a winter look, but this year it all went back to my normal look. One year we didn’t do a tree at all, and I’d be all for that again.

  7. Laura Harrie says:

    It is more work to take down, clean up and put back things after Christmas. We have a lot of wall decorations we have made and that requires dusting, cleaning and rehanging pictures before our house is back to normal. Not everything is back up yet, but getting there!

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