
Upcycled Charcoal Grill

A new purpose for an old charcoal grill.
I followed Jane’s lead @ Cottage at the Crossroads. 
Head over to her place and check out her lime green version.  You will love it!
Went to my spray paint stash and turned an old grill into a new flower planter.

I never could cook on that thing anyway.


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  1. Seriously, so cool! My parents have a couple of these just hanging around…may have to inspire them with this.

  2. Oh, wow, that is really cute and I love the red color! ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. That is so cute. Imagine all the old grills in the wastelands. Great recycling idea for the garden.

  4. Love this…and your What I Wore Wednesday posts.

  5. This is adorable – love the bright cheery color and this is a great recycling project!

  6. Haha! Love it. Functional with a sense of whimsy. Crazy for that red.
    Pam @ BeColorful

  7. Hi-I just connected from Debbiedoo’s.
    I live in a log home also. I love the bright colors you used in decorating yours.
    Please drop by and visit my home and say “hi”.
    Sure wish I hadn’t thrown out that old grill now!

  8. Another great creation!

  9. Dawn,that looks really great! Another item saved from the landfill. And besides, it’s the cutest darn thing. Now, if we could just figure out a new use for all those large satellite dishes! Thanks for the mention and the link.

  10. What a great upcycle idea! It looks so cute and vintage. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. That looks fantastic! I’m kicking myself for tossing one of those. Love the color! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Great upcycle! I have trouble throwing things out- I hope I don’t turn into one of those hoarders I see on tv- you inspire me to create with what I have- Thanks! I’d love it if you shared this with WorkShop Wednesday. It would make a great addition to the party!

  13. A-DOOOR-A-BLE! Such cuteness. I can’t stand it. I love how this turned out. And love the red…will look cute with winter flowers for Christmas and maybe a little Christmas tree with tiny red ornaments! Oh the ideas!!!
    Great job.

  14. Oh, that is a great idea. My boyfriend has some old camp stoves, I wonder if he would notice if I swipe one…..very cute.

  15. That is so fun!! What a great idea. Love the color and the height it is at….it’s so perfect as a planter!

  16. Such a great idea!

    May all your gardens grow,
    Jan @TWOwomenAnDaHOE

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