Vegetable and Cut Flower Garden Plan

I’m so excited Hubby brought home the lumber to built me 16 raised garden beds.  They will be 8’x4′ and be placed in my front yard right next to the orchard.
I know many people wouldn’t want their front yard taken up by a vegetable garden, but I will enjoy sitting on the front porch looking at all the beautiful vegetables growing. 
I have my garden plan all ready to go, now if the weather just cooperates.
I used a free program I found on line at Grow Veg.
It is supper easy to use and even has a demo video to get you started.
I like to incorporate flowers amongst my vegetables.  It not only looks pretty but will give me cut flowers all Summer long.
 Garden Planner makes it easy to draw out your vegetable beds, add plants and move them around to get the perfect layout. 
The Garden Planner has over 130 vegetables, herbs and fruit and detailed growing information. As you add vegetables the space they require is clearly shown by the colored area around each plant and it calculates how many plants will fit into the area.
Crop rotation is easy as the Garden Planner warns you where you should avoid placing each vegetable based on what was in your previous years’ plans.
This was such a fun program to use, and so easy.  I can’t stress how simple it really is.
Now I can’t wait to get planting.

Linking up with
Between Naps on the Porch 


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  1. that is very cool! You are going to have a fabulous garden with lots of great fresh veggies.

  2. Dawn
    The planner program sure does simplify
    the whole gardening process! I can’t wait
    to see those beds full of green veggies.

  3. Wow, that will be one nice garden. We built one 4 x 8 box today and planted some tomato plants for now and then will add a few more things when the weather is warmer and more stable. Getting down right cold tonight. If this goes well this year then we will add to it next year. Go to try it out first to see how it goes or grows.

  4. Hi Dawn…

    I think your vegetable and flower garden is going to be fabulous, my friend! I love that you’re going to plant flowers in with your vegetables. Yes…you’ll have plenty of pretty flowers to cut for bouquets. Love that idea! My husband and I have just begun to plan our garden. We have a bit of time…living in Colorado. We have contemplated raised beds as well. I wish you the very best with your gardening endeavours!

    Thank you for sharing the Garden planning site! I’m going to go and take a look at it!

    I also wanted to thank you for coming by today and for leaving such a sweet note for me! I sooo enjoyed your visit!

    Warmest spring wishes,

  5. Wow! How exciting to design your garden. I want a bacon and tomato sandwich all the sudden…

  6. That is going to be amazing Dawn! So well planned out. You are going to enjoy the fruits and veggies of your labor.

  7. How exciting, Dawn! Thanks for sharing the site that helps you plan your garden. I was looking at the chart which recommends spacing. I can tell that we have some things too close together and others too far apart. Oh well. I plant flowers in the vegetable garden, too. Nasturtiums are easy plants to grow from seeds, and they are beneficial in the garden.

  8. Wow, how cool is that! You are going to have a great crop!!! Can’t wait to see real life photos of your garden this year!!

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