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Venison Jerky Original Recipe

Venison Jerky Recipe

It’s deer hunting season here in Michigan and hubby and son have both taken one.  We do all of our own butchering, we turn the majority of the meat to steaks and chops and what’s left we use to make venison jerky. 

They quarter the deer in our barn and then bring it into MY KITCHEN to cut up.  I’m not especially fond of that but it has to be done.  Once the process is over I give the kitchen good cleaning with bleach.

Hubby and Son do the cutting while I package and label it.  Then I bag all the jerky making meat into gallon bags and start it marinating over night.

I let it sit in the mixture for 24 hours then drain it in a colander before putting it into our food dehydrator.  Here’s the recipe use, I call it an original recipe.  If you were to buy jerky in the store and purchased original you’ll like this recipe. It’s not to spicy, or hot, it’s just perfect for everyone’s taste. 

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Venison Jerky
  1. Add meat and all ingredients to a zip lock back, place in the refrigerator for 24 hours, drain off the liquid, and dehydrate for 6 hours or until moisture content is the consistency of jerky. Drying time will depend on how thick the venison is sliced. Yield will be one quart size bag full after drying.

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