Versatile Blogger Award
I am so excited, I was nominated by Tammy @ Tammy Loves Dishes
for the Versatile Blogger Award.
I am honored and in turn will be nominating 10 other fabulous bloggers for the award.
Rules after accepting the award:
1. Thank the person who gave the award and link back to them in your post.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to 10 recently discovered blogs.
Seven things about myself:
1. I love chocolate
2. I have a vacuum fetish, and vacuum several times a day
3. My favorite color is purple, but I seldom wear it and I don’t decorate with it
4. I have had the same best friend for 33 years
5. I would love to learn to fly fish
6. I drive to fast
7. I love all the friends blogging as brought me
Nominations go to:
Please stop by and visit several or all these lovey blogs. It was hard to decided I have so many favorites:)
Oh! Thanks friend…I appreciate this.I’ll quit being LAZY and post about it.
Thanks so much – this brought a smile to my face this morning! I can’t wait to check out the fellow blogs.
Turning a House into a Home
Thanks Dawn! I am really honored and excited since this is my first award! I love the friendship we’ve established via our blogs. And I had some of that fabulous spaghetti sauce this weekend when I made eggplant Parmesan!
wow, thanks Dawn!! I agree blogging has allowed me to meet some great women. Can’t wait to check out some other blogs
Thank you sooo much Dawn. I’m always honored to be chosen for anything …. well, except to do the dishes or clip my Dad’s nose hairs!
I shall endeavor to continue to be versatile (and shower you with compliments because they obviously get me somewhere!)
Congrats on your blog award! I am off to check out the other blogs you awarded!
One of the best things about this is finding out about some of your favorite bloggers. Can’t wait to stop by their sites!