Wildflower Centerpiece #5

This weeks wildflower centerpiece is
” Wood Lily”
The vivid orange and yellow make them very noticeable growing along road side ditches and fields.
 They close up at night and open back up when the sun comes out.
I chose to put them in a galvanized bucket for display.
There’s nothing better than fresh flowers to brighten up any home.
I’m so lucky to live in a state with so many varieties of wildflowers to choose from.
If you missed the other wildflower series you can click

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  1. I love the flowers that you have on the blog. I’ve always known then to be called ditch lilies. The grow very thick in the ditches here in Kentucky. Hope you have a great evening.

  2. These are really pretty. How cool that they close up and reopen! I will have to pay more attention to see if we have any around here. ๐Ÿ™‚ I just love fresh flowers around the house, even better when they are a “find”. ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. These are just gorgeous, Dawn. How cool that Mother Nature must know about “tangerine” being the “IT” color for the year!

  4. These are beautiful! You’re lucky to have so many wonderful types of wildflowers right at hand!

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